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Another Noobie


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Hi all,

I have been casually interested in astronomy for many years now but have recently decided to take the plunge into making it into a hobby. I have been looking at this site for a while now and decided to join because its full of good advice and helpful people.

Bit about me: I am 28, originally from Essex but have been traveling all over England with University and work. I currently live on the Berkshire/Oxforshire border but with a bit of luck a I may be getting a new job that will mean moving to hampshire.

I really am a noobie when it comes to stargazing but I am looking forward to learning. I am currently setting up to buying my first telescope but that will be the subject of a different post.

Looking forward to chatting with you guys over the coming months :)

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Hi and welcome to the forum. With regards to buying a scope, the main consideration is to take your time and do the research which hopefully will include having a look through some kit (astro clubs public observation events etc) to see if what you can see at the eyepiece meets with your own expectations. All the specifications and statistics won't mean a thing unless you can establish your own datum point of comparison.

Clear skies and enjoy the forum.


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Hi Sharpe and welcome to SGL, if you are, as you say, on the threshold of Astronomy, then the first order of the day is not to rush into the subject but more let it flow over you, small steps as they say. It is often recommended that binoculars with assistance from such as the free star program Stellarium will help you start on the path of learning the night sky, or the purchase of a book like Turn Left at Orion or the Back Yard Astronomers Guide, will broaden your horizons, so that you will shortly be in a position to know what scope you would like, enjoy the forum :)


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