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Hi everyone, I'm Carol from Wolverhampton. I have always had a nagging interest in astonomy but have never answered the call. Recently though, I decided to take a short course with Open University - I graduated with them in 2000 and have never done anything since so I thought it was time to get the brain cells exercising again as I move towards my half century! Anyway, tonight I was outside with my planisphere and as I gazed up thoughtfully at the sky, this very bright ball of light shot across the sky. It sort of scared me a little because I don't have a clue what it was and I don't want anyone thinking I'm seeing things in my mad eagerness. The time that I saw this thing was around 9.15pm..... can anyone at all advise what it was or did anyone else see it?

Look forward to learning loads from you guys.



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Hi Carol and welcome to SGL! What you saw was most probably a meteor. If you're out for a while at night you'll usually see several of them. There's some very knowledgable people on this forum who will be able to help with any query you may have.

I've just spotted that its clear here :shock: so its time to get the scope out! :wink:


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Hi Carol, welcome on board the good ship stargazers, have you a rough idea what direction you were looking in?? as for things in the sky, go outside on a good night and if you can sit back in a chair and just look up, you will see a wealth of things, the odd meteor, Iridium satellites, various other satellites and quite often now the international space station. Do a google for free sky charts ect and grasp your way around the sky.

If you are not sure how far you want to take things, get a reasonable pair of binoculars, they sell quite cheaply these days, then again look into the sky and especially around areas like casseopeia (shaped like a W) loads can be seen with binoculars that may not be seen with the naked eye. best of luck and good viewing.

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Thanks for the replies and warm welcome.

I was sitting in a recliner chair.... just like you do in the sun but I was sure shivering!! I was facing West [ish] and it was travelling from roughly from the north east to south west. It seemed to go so quickly and I actually viewed it for only about 1 second before a tree blocked my view. It didn't leave any trails or anything.

I do have some binoculars but I'm finding it difficult to get used to them. They are quite old. I have joined an astronomy club and am very seriously thinking about a telescope but I have been advised to wait until I know what sort I want.

Astronomy sure is a massive subject.... I never realised. But how many times can a person say WOW just by looking into the sky at night! Awesome!!

All the best


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Welcome Carol :D

Totally agree on waiting before you dive in and buy a scope. Hopefully your local society has some that you can borrow or at least use!

Then, when you're ready, we'll help answer any questions and help you spend your money. We are very good at that :lol::grin:


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oh I'm extremely good at spending money.... don't need any help with that!!

Seriously though, I am normally a very impulsive and impatient person.... in-fact, I went to my first astronomy meeting armed with a few printouts of scopes I thought I was interested in but after talking to the guys there, I reluctantly agreed that it would be more sensible to wait a while..... have you ever seen a real image of relief? Do you know what it looks like? well I saw it when I came home and told hubby...his wallett has a reprieve - just for a while!

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Hiya Carol from Wolverhampton. You are the second Carol I have welcomed today.

Welcome to the SGL forum, you can't fail to have a good time here, and If you find you need any help you only have to ask and a million willing helpers will be only too willing to assist you.

Best Wishes.

Ron. :wink:

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