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A Big Thank You

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A month or two ago I joined the forum asked a load of newbie questions and disappeared without so much as a thank you.

Well been busy busy moving across the country, big family wedding, new job etc.

So THANK YOU everybody who responded to my newbie posts asking the same questions for the millionth time, and anybody who has shared their extensive and valuable knowledge.

I ended up with a SW200 P on an EQ 5 with dual motors but no go to.

First night out, played around a bit trying to get Venus but no dice, so I pointed the scope at a random bright star in the sky...........


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You'll have lots of fun with that scope, and you'll remember your first view of Saturn for ever (we all do :grin: )

...and hope all the moves have gone smoothly and you're settling in :smiley:


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Congrats on the scope Dom. I lucked out with Saturn too as my first real object (after a few random stars), never forget that first view. I've seen it many, many times since, through many different scopes, but I'll never forget the first time through that little tiny 50mm frac.


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There was no moon on that first night and Saturn was simply the brightest object I could see in the sky! Would you believe I got the Cassinni division as well! But there was a lot of chat on the board about how good the seeing was that night. I think I lucked out big style :)

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Congratulations on your scope Dom and glad that you made you a good decision. You will soon get the hang of where to point everything and the anticipation will be well worth it for sure. I trust that you have downloaded the free planetarium software called 'Stellarium' which is useful in identifying objects and planning your evening but if you haven't downloaded it yet you can find it here.

Hope the weather can remain clear for you to do some observing.


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Sounds like you have some good skies there, ive also got the 200P but no motors, what are they like? Would they be good for photography, or just keeping the object in the view?

My first objects was Jupiter early this year, i wanted to align my finderscope and ended up alligning it on Jupiter! Not quite Saturn but amazing none the less. Looking forward to it coming back into view, as it was setting early when i got my scope, so not had a chance to really see it well.

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Sounds like you have some good skies there, ive also got the 200P but no motors, what are they like? Would they be good for photography


If they are anything like the EQ3-2 motors and I beleive they are similar, I can get 1m 30s subs and have produced some half decent pics with it, but if you can I would advise making the Guide port adapter modifications, well worth it if your going to do some serious photography.


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Thanks guys for your words of encouragement, just waiting for the rain to clear.....

Not tried any astro photography with the motors yet, there is a little 'drift' over 10 min or so but not to bad.

Downloaded stellarium brilliant little program.:D

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What do I have to do? My old garden was never dark, I could see four street lights, so I was in shadow rather than in the dark, it was under the Manchester flight path and not in a nice place (wouldn't even take my laptop outside let alone leave it unattended) Now I am in the middle of the countryside with very dark skies miles from any artificial source of bad seeing with an amazing scope and what do I see when I go outside.......

Clouds! :(

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hey dom, ease up on the potteries, thats all some of us have got. :grin: seriously though, it must be a big change from the lovely orange glow we're used to. i too have the 220p eq5 (no motors though) and i love it.

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Sorry didn't mean to cause offence to anyone in the potteries, but you should see the stars when it's not cloudy. However I did notice that some of the darkest skies in the country are on the stoke side of the Peeks.

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