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Venus Transit From Chipping Norton, Oxon.


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About 35 of us were stood in the field from around 3am onwards all set up and wishing the clouds away. And just for a brief moment there was a peep through the clouds. Queue an almighty flurry of activity and jumping at the scopes.

Everything we know not to do we did...folk peeped through the finderscope to find it! folk peeped through the cameras unfiltered...to find it. Folk peeped the scopes...unfiltered. All to find it quickly before the clouds came back in! We all left with our eyesight intact, and we know we are naughty for doing this.

Not sure if the image will post, but I'll try.

I'm tired :(


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thanks both of you!

We were jolly lucky, we really were, it was so hit n miss. Then just a glimpse here and there, it was so worth it. My eyes are now burning into my skull, but hey ho.

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Well caught :) The odd gap in the cloud didn't match the sun here. Think I could do with going back to bed but have jobs to do - yawn...

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Well done Sandra! Boy, it was frustrating this morning. By the time I got the sun in my 24mm EP, after flaffing about with up, down, left, right, left, up, right, up (silent screams and profanity), and started to focus, the cloud came over, right at the end of the transit (with defiinite audible profanity!) Well, at least I saw it through a couple of scopes so it was well worth it. If only I'd trusted my Canon 40D's safety, I would have connected it up straight away. Ah well, stop whinging!

It's really great that you, Brian and others got some images. :icon_salut:

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Great to see you Alex. I think when the Sun peeped through there was a flurry of profanaties for a few people, mainly to do with finding it quickly ohh the flipping whatsit where is it where is it? haha.

I think we were all so lucky just to get a minute here and there, it really wasnt much at all.

I did manage to image Venus before it left the disc but I had the ISO too low and the exposure time too short so it didnt come out and I dont know how to bend it to pull anything out. I hate PShop.

Yeah you should have brought the Canon, it would have been fine. For the next one eh? (lol)

Thank you Gina, I seriously need my bed too :(

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The film from Witney TV will be live soon! And they have asked to film us Witney group too :0 how cool :)

Brilliant! When's the film showing? If it's not going to be shown in my area, can you record it for me?

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Hi john

what a cracking shot you have!

I didnt realise how much we were being film, and I was totally oblivious to Barry filimng me so much haha

We all did so well, it was a great turn out :)

Jupiter/moon grazing occultation next month? Same place?

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Hi Sanmatt, thank you - I am pleased with the shot but there was so much luck in it. As the light levels changed so quickly with the passing clouds, I kept going up and down the exposure dial and was usually way out in my guesses. I took loads of shots and on most of them you can't see anything much but I got lucky on maybe 5 out of 50 odd. Such a shame Mel wasn't there to get something really good.

I look just like my Dad on Barry's film...trouble is, I look like him when he was about 75

Hope to see you up at The Stones again sometime.

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