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I have finally managed to get EQMod working and discovered at my first session last night that you can't operate the NSEW buttons (to centre the object) from the eyepiece which is more often than not too far from the laptop.

So I can now see the sense in getting a gamepad.

I have read a review where some-one was having problems with a wireless gamepad and he recommended a wired gamepad. I am all for not having too much automated (as it's more things to go wrong) but then at the same time having to utilise yet another USB port might bring problems itself.

Just wondered what the general consensus of opinion is on this and what Gamepads you recommend. (I have Vista by the way).



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I use an MS XBox PC gamepad : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320871376146?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_3613wt_1139

I've seen others using the wireless version, but there are some connectivity issues (gamepad powers off and doesn't immediately reconnect when powered back up) which is why I went for the wired version.

There's a Logitech (Rumblepad 2 I think?) that used to be referred a lot, but hard to obtain now I think.

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I use a wired pad... looks like and could in fact be used on a PS2... I've got a four port hub attached to the mount for the mount control and camera feeds, thereby only using one port on the puter. I can eitehr attach the gamepad to the hub, or directly to the puter.

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I got a cheap £5 one from eBay. It worked fine for a while then went wrong making my mount go round and round until it pulled all the cables and broke the power socket on the mount - it stopped then!!! After that it got unplugged and put aside. I've been reluctant to buy another.

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Hi Carole

I do have a gamepad but to be honest use a wireless mouse most of the time. Just click on the pad button and place the cursor over it and then you can easily go to the scope to slew in any direction. One push on the wheel changes from EW to NS and visa versa.


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I use a Trust wired gamepad. I only got it as the gamepads out here were silly money. Anyway, I've had a few problems with it, where it seems to only issue one pulse for movement. Instead of buying another, I use the gamepad (if needed) on the first alignment then everything else after that is within the fov of the chip, so I use the EQMOD buttons. Saved me the price of a new gamepad!!

I have mine plugged into the PC as I thought I'd give the USB hub a reprieve from yet another device.

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I got a cheap £5 one from eBay. It worked fine for a while then went wrong making my mount go round and round until it pulled all the cables and broke the power socket on the mount - it stopped then!!! After that it got unplugged and put aside. I've been reluctant to buy another.

If you don't trust the gamepad to be left alone you could make use of the gamepad lock function. When locked all gamepad inputs are ignored (except buttons assigned to emergency stop and the unlock).

I've been using a wireless rumblepad for many years. Never has any problems and have yet to change the batteries (I do remove them when not in use).

As has been mentioned you can also use a mouse. You can also use a numpad, wireless presenter or wiimote (with a bit of effort). There was one guy who managed to use his guitar hero guitar!


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