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Hello from Salisbury


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Thought I'd better introduce myself as I've been lurking here for a little while now. I've been interested in space ever since the Apollo missions and I distinctly remember the TV coverage of Apollo 11. I have no equipment whatsoever except for a planisphere, the book "Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders", Stellarium and this forum :)!

I would love to get a telescope but would prefer to see what's available before purchase. I know there's an astronomical society in Salisbury and the Salisbury Plain Observing Group but I cannot drive so getting to both these groups might be tricky. At the moment I am more interested in observing, though I would not rule out delving deeper into the darker arts!

Best wishes,


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Hi Richard and welcome to the forum. You are doing the right thing by taking your time and doing the research. Lots of kit out there to tempt you but all the specifications and recommendations won't mean a thing unless you have some experience from which to hang them from. Only you can decide on what size and type of scope will best meet your own expectations. I would contact the astro society and the observing group to see if anyone who attends is in your neck of the woods and whether they might be interested in giving you a lift - its worth a try. Some societies even lend out some some scopes to their members and so might also provide a useful way of boost your observational experience.

Clear skies and enjoy the forum,


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Hi Richard and welcome to SGL, I see among your possessions you already have the paperback IGAW, this gives you extensive coverage of the Constellations and what can be seen from binoculars to a scope, as James has said take things step by step. I would recommend your next purchase should be a pair of binoculars, something in the 10X50 range of reasonable quality, these will open up a whole new world for you while you continue along the Astronomy learning curve :)


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Hi Richard and welcome to SGL, I see among your possessions you already have the paperback IGAW, this gives you extensive coverage of the Constellations and what can be seen from binoculars to a scope, as James has said take things step by step. I would recommend your next purchase should be a pair of binoculars, something in the 10X50 range of reasonable quality, these will open up a whole new world for you while you continue along the Astronomy learning curve :)


Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome ;). Today I found my old, rather battered binoculars at my parent's house, branded "Prinz", which I believe is Dixon's old brand name, the writing on them says "Fully coated - Made in Korea". They are 7x50, so maybe a little underpowered and not of reasonable quality! I imagine though that they will be be better than the Mk.1 eyeball :D.


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