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Hello everyone. First post here.

Never really been into looking up at the sky much untill maybe a year ago or so. But I ended up talking some pictures yesterday morning.

I was just taking some pictures of the moon while a thin patch of clouds passed by it. Thought it would make for some cool pics and i noticed something just off to the left and down.

Id like to post my pictures (its only 6) so someone with a little more knowledge could tell me what it is.

Ive been searching since about 5 yesterday morning trying to figure out what it is but nothing has been announced about anything at this particular time that I could find..

loc. Diamond, IL, USA


3:30-4:00 am Somewhere between there?

Looking just about straight up.

Now i feel i have to say (just in case) these are not fake, i don't have the know-how to photoshop or anything.. You'll just have to take my word for that.

It is not a glare.

The last picture was the first one i took which encouraged me to zoom in. Where you cant fully see the object, is where the thin clouds are passing in front of it. The brighter, bigger one is the moon if you cant tell.

LOL One more thing BTW... I'm not saying the annunaki are riding this thing to earth as we speak... I would really like an intelligent answer.

Thanks to any and all for help. Sorry i threw this all in my introduction, thought it might save time.

Sorry, one more thing. The smaller one stayed in place while the moon did its thing. I watched for maybe an hour.

EDIT: I know the dates on my camera is way off.

...And in the first picture I took, if you zoom in, you can see detail. ie terrain? And it looks nothing like the moons surface.







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Hi and welcome to SGL.

As for the image - it looks from the wide shot like its been taken through a window? If so (and its double glazed) could it be an internal reflection back off the outside pane of glass?

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The picture I first took (one zoomed out all the way) is the only one with the window closed. The other ones were with the top half pulled down to avoid the screen.

I made sure to take the zoomed pics at different angles actually those were taken with my arms outside resting on the top of the window just pointing a little different each time.

The thing about it is... Look at the clouds also in the picture. if it was any kind of reflection, it would be obvious right away because the similarities would match up so well. You wouldnt even have to look close, the two things would look the same, talking about the clouds over certain parts of the object.

Im not sure how to explain perfectly, but the clouds in the sky would not be covering up a reflection on a window you know? I wouldnt look like that. This is just in case someone is determined that i had my window closed. Try this.. The smaller one wouldnt have so much detail because the larger object is covered by clouds, ridding it of detail. (the zoomed out pic)

Im just saying, we've looked at these and studied and pretty much ruled out the obvious.

It also stayed in place as the moon went on its way.

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Hello and welcome to SGL. The object does look like a reflection from something in the light path such as the suggested window or even in the camera lens itself.

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Hi and welcome.

It probably is lens flare. The moon is so bright and the sky so dark that any internal reflections in the camera lens could cause this spot to appear. It doesn't have the normal 6 to 8 sides of normal lens flare, but that would be because the lens aperture was wide open and so the leaves of the aperture would not show in the normal way.

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Hi and welcome to SGL!

I would say that it is a reflection through the double glazed window or an internat reflection in the lense of the camera.

If one of the lenses is even slightly out of alignment it will cause the light from the moon to bounce internally throught the lenses.

Having worked for the last 20 odd years in the paranormal field I get sent many photo's and video's to check with some analysis software I picked up when I worked for a major camera manufacturer.

If you could email me the photo's I would gladly put them through some photo analysis software I use when checking paranormal photo's people send to me.

PM me and I will give you my email address.

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Hi and welcome to the forums you might like to post your lunar images in the imaging section of the forum here you will also find imaging tips and tricks and lots of advice on imaging the moon planets and deep sky objects.

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