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Who has got clear skies predicted for tonight ?


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Just got a really clear view of the Moon and it's craters, such a nice moment, and so much detail! Can't wait for the full Moon.

The reaction from my OH was great too, "OMFG, is that...?" :(:D.

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After being ill during the last few days of clear skys tonight i decided im going out, finally dark just as the fog rolls in :(

Sent from somewhere using something.

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I've pretty much stored my gear away for the summer. I have kept my 20X90 bins and my 8115 tripod handy just incase i get adventurous and venture out after dark. Dublin is by no means the land of the midnight, but its not too far off during the summer months astronomically speaking. There is maybe 2-3 hours of usable darkness between midnight and 3am.

I was at a wedding on the west coast of Ireland a few yrs ago and i kid you not, it was still like dusk at 1am.

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Just been out to check the sky and it's pretty skanky here. Too much of that whispy high cloud messing things up. I might have a peek later to see if it has improved. Or perhaps I'll just get an early night :(


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It was clear in north-east England last night so I made the most of the 2 hours of useable darkness and viewed 10 galaxies between midnight and 2am. With the waxing moon and approaching solstice I expect it to be my last galaxy session until July.

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Not looking to great. Clear, but hazy. That said a four day old scope will get you out and ready just in case.:(

Niiiiice :( new toys rock !

Ordered a 114mm astrosolar filter from 365 - just had confirmation that it is on its way !!

I ordered it friday, so no, the current clouds are not my fault :)

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I re-collimated the focuser on my Quattro today, so I'm going out to run maybe a couple of hours of subs to check everything is OK. Hopefully it's all fine now. My new Atik 314L+ should be arriving tomorrow, and I want to make sure I'm ready for it! :(

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Tonight is the first cloudy night since last Wednesday in Sussex. Good thing too as I got my evostar 120 on Wednesday and really need a good nights sleep. I've been out until about 1 am every night for almost a week. It was fun last night though when my neighbor looked through the EP and saw Saturn for the first time. She gasped so much I thought she was going to use all the air in the surrounding area. Right, to bed now to get rested for tomorrow night.

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Clear and got some reasonable viewing, got some views of the Moon, but it was half blocked by trees. Saturn was good, although a little small. Mars is off the menu, way too small! I also managed to split my first double star!

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I was just getting set up on M13 to try for some raw images and the clouds rolled in.

Same here for M3. I looked at the moon from about 9pm and then eventually moved on to Saturn while I waited for it to get darker. I managed to make out the cassini division (just!) and 4 moons. I then had a glance at Mars briefly, but it's just a small red ball now, and not as interesting as it was a few months ago, so I moved on and started to find M3 to see if i could make it out yet and i could see the distinctive fuzz against a fairly blue sky which was gradually getting darker. Then all of a sudden it just got fainter and fainter. I looked up to see clouds strewn actross the sky. No idea where they had come from as it was clear last time I had looked up. I gave it another 15 minutes and there was still cloud everywhere so I decided to pack it up for the night. After I packed up I noticed it was clear again...grrrr...although I could see a bank of cloud working it's way towards me, so it probably would have only lasted 5-10 minutes.

Oh well! I'll wait until next time. Forecast up to Sunday here shows no clear skies, but fingers crossed they change their minds or Monday or Tuesday come good :(

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Oh well! I'll wait until next time. Forecast up to Sunday here shows no clear skies, but fingers crossed they change their minds or Monday or Tuesday come good :(

Stuff the weekend, if I get to see the last venus transit of this pair, I'll be as happy as a wossname ! :(

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My fault! I took delivery of a new 'scope yesterday, now we have cloud and rain until at least Monday.

It could be worse, the supplier sent two eq mounts by mistake instead of one mount and one 'scope [it's being sorted out] if I had the scope instead of two kitchen rolls one inside the other 'practising' setting it up we would probably have snow. Looking through a cardboard tube at a Norton's is surprisingly theraputic. If I had the scope andit was cloudy I would have the admins turning up at my house to tape my mouth up as you would have hard my swearing and use of words that usually get the dreaded five stars.

At least after a run of very late nights [and on a school nigh] I can catch up on my sleep.

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