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Hi from Liverpool (Melling)


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Hi everyone,

although I've read a few threads I'd never got around to registering so far, but I just won an ebay auction for an older Orion SX150D, and when I was searching for info (before bidding!) I came across Moonshane's thread about that scope, so though I'd best register so I can pick his brains :D

Had my first scope at approx age 9 (1981 ! eek!) ,just a Tasco refractor but broke the cast mounting on the tripod somehow. Ironically I've still got the tube itself! Never had another scope until late 2010 when I got a Celestron 114EQ for £50, which ,until today has been my only scope. Even tho it's towards the bottom end of the cost & quality scale, I've had many an enjoyable evening with it, some nice views of Jupiter , Saturn, and most recently Venus. Tried for Mars on several nights, but can't get anything more than a peach coloured blob. Never tried collimating the scope yet

Looking forward to the Orion 6", assuming all is well with it (fingers crossed).

I quite enjoy a bit of astroimaging, but so far I'm limited to literally holding a point&shoot 12MB Samsung up to the eyepiece, tho I have managed to get a few decent moon shots.

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