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Sky at Night magazine


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Hi guys,

I went into WHSmiths at the weekend to get sky at night but they didn't have it ! They only had astronomy now. Do WHSmiths even stock it ?

Is there anywhere else i can get it from? I don't really want to plunge into a subscription if its not for me.

Cheers !

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I think they do stock it, but can be hit and miss to get (too many closet astronomers I guess). Try one of the major supermarkets or a newsagents, I usually get mine from Sainsbury's but most should have it.

sent from Gherkin Muncher mk .III (commonly known as a Galaxy S2)

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Iv noticed that there's like a day between swapping. A best before date sort of thing. But only noticed it with sky an telescope. It will be there don't worry:) whsmiths in Newport has more astro stuff on its shelves than waterstones :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Watch out though. Asda sells mags based on the sounding areas. I actually had one of my old managers order then in and they actually sell well in my store but not every one has them. I have it subscription now as it works out a little cheaper they do do really good deals on it sometimes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I've bought it from WH Smith in the past, no problem. Found it a very good read, particularly for a beginner. Subscribed and saved half the cover price for a year. Very good, star maps and clear guides on what you should be able to see, given you equipement (ooo-er) i.e. binos, small or large telescope

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To be honest.....you dont need astro mags. You can find everything online for free.

You do have a point there but astronomy magazines are very convenient and the star charts would be very hard to find on the internet. Not to mention the magazine Sky at Night's review pages don't always get onto their website. Plus, Sky at Night can be read without ruining your night vision.

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well as i havent read either sky at night or astronomy now i was going to get both and see which one i prefer.

I did have a quick flick through astro now in WHSmiths and it seemed to be pointed in the direction of the more experienced astronomer (less pictures :D)

So i will probably be better of with sky at night as a beginner. i wanted the magazine so i could just a have a relaxing read when i can

Cheers for all your replies, ill keep my eyes peeled in Asda on the 17th of April !

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You do have a point there but astronomy magazines are very convenient and the star charts would be very hard to find on the internet. Not to mention the magazine Sky at Night's review pages don't always get onto their website. Plus, Sky at Night can be read without ruining your night vision.

I tend to find that web browsing can be quite restrictive - I read what I'm interested in and no more. Whereas, if I flick through a magazine I might read an interesting article about something I'd never look at on the web, or maybe see an advert that I wouldn't see, etc.

The point above, about star charts is worth repeating. Last night, trying to find comet Garradd, I could have fired up the laptop - probably messing my night vision up in the process - but it was easier just to pick up Astronomy Now.

Both the net AND paper mag have their uses.

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I've not enjoyed the 4 issues of S@N i've received. Read them in an afternoon, and very little that interested me or was substantial enough to warrant my investment. Most articles or features just seem to be there to fill paper, rather than being any good!

However, only W H Smith stock it in my area, and it doesn't seem to sell very fast; nor do the others!

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I just picked up a Sky at Night mag from the local Barns & Noble, and it seems to be a pretty great magazine, though it was 9 US bucks for one copy since it had to be imported. Might just have to stay local and get Sky & Telescope and Astronomy mag subscriptions.

And as for getting all the same info online, this is true; however, I work on aircraft and we are not allowed to have any electronic devices around the particular aircraft i work on, so it is nice to have a couple hardcopies in my bag for when there is down time.

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