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Hello from Surrey/Hampshire border


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Hi Everyone

Thought I would pluck up the courage to post a hello aided by my first attempt to get a image of Saturn last night .After reading some threads and frankly being amazed at some of the images you guy's have been posting I thought hey what the hell if can do half as good as that I would be chuffed to bits .My wife and I have been interested in what's going on up there since before we met and so this xmas decided to buy a modest telescope to see what it was all about. Other than self inflicted hypothermia. :icon_salut: we have been having great fun!.We have a pretty good site that we can travel to in five minutes and Butser hill about 20 mins away.

I will post my half as good as that image any hints tips or LMAO's will be very welcome , I am struggling to to get as sharp an image with my web cam as I can with an eye piece is that normal ?

Cheers for now


ps.Not sure if I have attached the image or not it seemed far to easy.

saturn 1.04.12 @ 22.30.bmp

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That's really good for a first attempt Boo, look forward to seeing more :icon_salut:

Welcome to the forum by the way. I'm not so far away, Walton on Thames so still Surrey :D


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Hi Boo and welcome to the forum. Very brave of you to send in your first attemp and is actually not bad at all (...not sure what I was expecting:)). If imaging is a potential route for you and the wife, then you might want to consider getting hold of a copy of Steve Richards' "Making Every Photon Count" (First Light Optics £19.95). A modestly priced book that will tell you everything you need to know, what kit you need and why you need it to take good consistent images. Now I know you are only starting out, but this book will provide you with a very good overview of what's involved which will help frame your ambitions and more importantly, your budget. There is plenty of free software out there such as Registax, Sharpcap, Wx Astrocapture and Craterlet to help you out. If I had a pound for everyone who told me that they were just having a go but who then later became seduced (....some say possessed!) by full blown astrophotography or the "Dark Art" as it is sometimes referred to - I might be able to afford to have a go myself.:icon_salut::D

Thanks for sharing and clear skies for your next attempt.


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Thank all for your welcome

I am using a bog standard Celestron Nexstar 8se with a cheap eye piece set for now

I am aware that the mount and tripod are not ideal for imaging but as I had the bits kicking around the house I thought I would give it ago all I needed was the billet parts adaptor !

Im not planning to get too side tracked by imaging just yet but I can certainly see the appeal.

My local site is Bordon cemetery car park it's on a bit of a rise its not perfect but not far from my house and its got a hedge around it which keeps the wind out mostly .Give it ago if ya fancy I guess its about 10 mins from the A3.

Thank you all again for the welcome be assured I have lots of questions to ask but unfortunately the washing up is a calling



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