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At last a DOME


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Well at long last we have finally got the Dome working, but its been a struggle and is not 100% , but all due respect to Pulsar Optical for sticking with it for over 6 hours today , to get it at least working for me , it seems that for some reason,the moulding could still be out , but they managed to take the play up by spacers, but even so Ian from Pulsar , will have to get new brackets once again to finish it completely,

So without further ado i give you , THE CELESCOPE DOME.

Starting from the many pieces of the dome to the final completion.

but i still have alot of work to do before i,m up and running , but at least its now finally on its way .




sorry , the images went in a bit wrong , BUT YA CAN SEE HOW IT ALL FINISHED UP , I,M DARN TIRED LOL








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Looking good so far! Look forward to seeing the final pictures of it up.

I am very surprised that the brackets are wrong again though! Whoever designed / manufactured them, need a damn good slap!

I expect to see a champagne bottle cracked open soon!



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well the Dome is Ant , but i have alot of work to sort out the electric , maybe another puter , do the setting of of the pier and mount , get a rough alignment then fix the pier , after that tweak the mount , and finally do drift align , after that give it a test run , see how good it is , then get my guiding parts connected and start to learn that , so still a way to go yet for me , but all good fun


OH BY THE WAY PULSAR OPTICAL HAVE GIVEN ME a skywatcher 200 as a gift

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I'm pleased you have your dome at long last. Given your problems, I expected the dome to be a complex structure but based on the pictures, it looks pretty straightforward and I'm struggling to understand what happened.

Hope you enjoy it and can flog the Skywatcher for a good price. :wink:


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Well done, Rog, you were right, it did come today! It looks great too in green and I hope you quickly iron out the remaining teething problems. Don't be in too much of a hurry to get rid of the 8" Newtonian, my main imaging 'scope is the 10" SkyWatcher newt and I wouldn't be without it ....

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Thanks all , i,m a bit happier now , ah right , oh nooo i shall give the newt a go for sure , see how it performs, getting a good old collection of scopes now , have to change my name from Celescope to MEGASCOPE HEHEHEHEHHE .

Rog :wink:

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Very nice indeed Rog, and well worth the wait.

Nice to know that you'll be all setup and ready to go, in time for the return of the darker nights.

Like the colour, very aesthetic. Was it the Wife's choice ? :cool:

When I built my obs, the local Planning Officer (the Wife), insisted on it being green, so as to have minimum impact on her garden. :wink:


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