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Start on the Whirlpool


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Les has posted his lovely L layer for the Triplet so I thought I'd follow his lead and pop up a work in progress from Yves' setup. This is two nights' worth of L in the ODK14/Mesu200. 32x15 mins so 8 hours. We lost two hours to an IT glitch which chose my sleepy time to rear its head.:) (I now have a bed in the warm room. Too good!)

Itching to get at the colour...


PS this is mightily cropped for SGL.


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Sweet indeed, did you do this with the full focal lenght? I only noticed the 2nd small fuzzy galaxy at the center bottom of the pic. The other one leftish of that I've seen before.

Bring on the colour.


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Sweet indeed, did you do this with the full focal lenght? I only noticed the 2nd small fuzzy galaxy at the center bottom of the pic. The other one leftish of that I've seen before.

Bring on the colour.


Cheers Tom. Yup, 2.4 metres. There's a great little galaxy cropped out of this which appears as a barred spiral. It'll be visible in the final version.


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quite simply stunning Olly. regardless of my budget kit, even if i had won the lottery, i fear an image such as this will always be beyond my reach...grrrr!

That's just not true. It can all be learned. There are a number of things that you need to learn simultaneously - and that's the only hard part! I teach imaging when asked to and I learn about it by asking. This is an expensive setup but a widefield setup costs a fraction of this and can do wonderful imaging. If you knew how bad I was at IT you'd laugh your socks off, you really would.


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Hi Olly.

With all your clear skies,i,m surprised you have time to sleep.Mind you a bed in the warm room,that is dedication.These long hours devoted to imaging,really drag when your set-up is,nt remote.

Sitting in the Obsy waiting,and watching the equipmen does,nt foul up,can get a bit boring.

I,ve tried running two scopes,but dare,nt let the imaging rig be out of my sight for too long.



PS.What a wonderful image.its going to be stunning.

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Cheers Mick,

I do run two scopes fairly often but I avoid doing two with filterwheels so I make one either the OSC or a narrowband marathon in a single filter. Racing around changing filters is too much. I know you can set up sequences but the truth is that this USB stuff is unreliable. For example, changing filters in Nebulosity crashes it on average once a night at the moment. Remote is great when it works but many people who try it drive themselves crazy!


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