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Do You Ever Get Scared @ A Dark Location?

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So far i've stayed in my back-garden, but i'd like to venture out soon. Touch wood we don't have many problems where i live, but do you ever get scared when your out by yourself, late at night in a very dark location?

I'm quite silly, i don't get scared, but i start thinking about Bigfoots, Ghosts and other paranormal things. LOL. I spend very little time worrying about other humans.

Do you worry, or have you ever had any worrying moments?

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I run my own paranormal investigation team and in the last 10 years I've had some strange things happen but none if it has scared me.

So attending in a field in the pitch black on my own would be childs.

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Hmmm yeah id get a little freaked out if im honest, although im the very level headed skeptic it still happens to the best of us.

Its a "normal" human emotion/feeling and its there to save you from danger, so feeling worried, apprehensive or fearful in a dark strange place is quite normal.

Ive not ventured out of my garden yet, but when i do, ill be making bricks thats for sure! And ill probably take a BIG TORCH TO, and maybe a stick....

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I would not fear animals, ghosts or whatever else, but as you suggest there are some not very nice people in this world, albeit still thankfully relatively rare. most people are genuinely interested if they 'discover' you doing something interesting.

I worry more though about injuring myself in the dark and not being able to raise help if remote. therefore I would tend to observe with someone else and after all, it's often more fun when doing social astronomy! Adopt standard 'going somewhare remote' policies such as let someone know when you will be back, where you are going and ensure you have plenty to eat and drink and adequate clothing.

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I've chosen my dark location but haven't been yet, partly out of nerveness of going by myself, it's chav's that bother me the most, there is a unfortunate amount of them around. Doubt there would be any at my choosen location, may be some boy racers though another group I'd like to avoid.

It's from going running in the evenings that I've come to hate chavs and boyracers more than any other group of people, they have suprsingly little else to do than insult runners, I had one mate who was followed by some chavs in a car for half a mile hurling abuse at him. I haven't had it quite that bad but have had comments and intimidating behaviour from them, always when they are in groups, never when they are by themselves.

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Not in your favour, however you probably need a screwdriver to collimate your scope.

Yes, that would be very useful. If i lived in a big city like London i'd definetly want something like that. Although i don't suppose you get many dark locations in a big city. :)

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There will always be some fruit cakes about who have nothing better to do, but what's the worst that could happen ? Take a bit of a beating and have all your kit pinched. At least you will be able to tell the nurse in intensive care about how you finally got to see the Rosette nebula and the core stars of M13 :)

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There will always be some fruit cakes about who have nothing better to do, but what's the worst that could happen ? Take a bit of a beating and have all your kit pinched. At least you will be able to tell the nurse in intensive care about how you finally got to see the Rosette nebula and the core stars of M13 :)

:) Thankfully i've never heard of anyone being attacked whilst Stargazing. It must be rare. I suppose it's more worrying as well because we generally have a lot of expensive equipment with us.

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Id like to think that people wouldn't hassle you, but in the event that they did, and they were intent on taking my stuff, my stuff would soon become a weapon, ie. A tripod leg or dovetail bar would REALLY hurt on the head.

But anyways, i like to think that everyone is pleasant and friendly :)

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Ive only observed from places that are secluded or where other people are around (star parties). I probably would be a bit cautious if I thought the nutters of this world were likely to wander by. I used to observe from my flat balcony which attracted some comments but I could just go in.

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Good point, whats the law on non-lethal weapons such as tazers in the the UK?

Tazers are illegal in the UK for civilian use. You could only buy one if you you were in the Police force or armed forces.

It is also illegal to carry one even if you have no intention of using it.

Shame coz I know a few people I'd love to taze:D

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I was cycling once on a mountain bike and the last couple of miles were on the road. I had coins chucked at me out of a car window passing me reeeeally slowly. Nearly fell off!

I tried going to another location than my back yard but didn't get my scope out. Too many people about on a nearby parking lot. Ended up taking a stroll. Thankfully clouds rolled in and I had an excuse to call it a night! Rubbish, isn't it?

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