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MARS, a few from the 6th


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Theres good data there Karlo, but if you want some feedback, i think your doing what i was doing early on, trying to figure the best way to process mars, its taking me quite a bit of time to get them right, both colour and amounts of sharpening and processing, these look very heavy to me. (especially the left shots ) Yes you got the detail out. But at the expense of realness.

Sometimes less really is more. Keep experimenting with the processing. And keep the natural thing in your mind when you do it. You got the touch on the 0024 shot for sure, thats my favourite, though its heavily blue here.

Colour is something thats taking me time too, so dont worry about it, but if you want to perfect it, which im sure you do, the closest i think is top left. but just a tad green heavy there.

Again ive been doing that as well. infact i just posted a rework of one where i dropped the green, so iknow how easy it is to get blinkered.

My early processing and colour was awful Karlo truely frightening. But the good thing is when we realize it and adjust.

Im just trying to help i hope i am.

The heavy blue one ( 0024 ) looks real nice from a sharpening perspective. much nicer than the other two. if you can crack the colour with that kind of sharpening you will have pefected it i think. Wonder what others think. i could be wrong. But thats what i see. Lastly data is real nice otherwise i wouldnt be writing so much, your images are certainly worth the time it takes to get the feel going. I know what its like not sure im even there myself yet

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Thanks Neil, much appreciated and needed :headbang:

Sometimes I feel like I become "blind" seeing the same over and over. It wasn't until these three were side by side that I became fully aware of the differences. I too much prefer the 0024UT version.

Trying to replicate the "soft" touch I had a while ago and it's hard, as I said -feel very rusty ATM.

Will try harder !! :D


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When you see it yourself then your halfway there. I often wake up in the morning look at what ive done and say oh no. Its the ones where you look at it with fresh eyes and it still looks good, those are the keepers. i Know you know what i mean.

Its amazing every bit of the processing has profound effects, sometimes we go wrong at some point. Do you ever bactrack and think damm the earlier ones look better. I do that all the time. But its practice, no one said this was easy. Im acually quite impressed by the good one here lovely data. more tinkering and youll be happy im sure. Look foward to seeing you pull your hair out some more. Sometimes its worth dropping routines and trying different ones. last night i processed the one just posted. and i could just not get it right. Then i dropped a routine i often use ( but not always ) Hey presto much more real. After jupiter we actually have to teach ourselves how to do do Mars dont we. a different set of problems, when jupiter comes back, we will be rusty on that again i guess.

Good data and discussion Karlo

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Well I think that was a reasonably easy fix . Certainly agree about the fresh eyes !!

I've tweaked it (deciding that I'll go and play with the others later) and feel a lot happier about it, thanks Neil. The Syrtis features are a bit blue so I don't really want to push that out much more-wadya think ??

PS err what hair -it's gone mate :D

Yeah, each planet requires a different approach but as we've said before and you say it here, it's too easy to forget and slip into the same process model for each. I was very pleased with the soft approach to wvlets and PS processing last time out but with these it was back to the old ways.

....but I'm happy now :headbang:

I'll take a gander at your re-process !



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Not sure you got a bit of red colour noise on top, ( at least thats what i think it is apologies if its not ) likely a slight missalignment, or histos that have very small limb size differences, ive noticed on my hazy blues the haze increases the edge limb a little, so i get blue halos. I adjusted the colour by eye, i did a quick colour noise reduction on image analyzer, i use it sometimes when i cant do anything else on my own images. i dont like using it personally i think it kills too much colour, and smooths the image. but just so you can see the effect. after using it i added saturation again to try to put some colour back. then did rgb balance with the one click button on v5. yes it said my eye was off.

heres what reg said. But as darryl points out reg aint always right i dont think. The reason i downsized is, my dongle compresses jpg, so tried to repost without killing it completely. was the only reason. dunno see you think. Maybe others can chip in. im no expert on colour by a long shot

BTW thats a really good image its growing on me fast, really nice detail karlo, like it, quality capture


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Ha ha Neil, you were bang re the mis-alignment , just spotted that myself. I don't use Reg for RGB alignment though I used to with the SPC.

I shall repost and thanks again- it's growing on me too oh & BTW the data concerned almost got overlooked and binned :D

(done) I can't really seem to improve on it after this without starting from scratch I think

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I would have been gutted to have thrown away a quality capture like that.but there all quality karlo, The C11 showing its metal. Looks like you got some great data to be playing with, nice one again.Im off to to muck about with mine

Good luck on the tweaking speak soon

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