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As a complete novice, I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to offer help & advice on these forums. I have browsed a plethora of discussions about the best intoductory telescopes, and last week I finally took the plunge and bought a Skywatcher 130p dob. Without all the helpful and patient advice offered to other members, I simply wouldn't have known where to start.

It is hard to describe how exciting it was to see Jupiter's moons for the first time, but I guess I am preaching to the converted. My wife was less impressed, but I think she has been 'hubbled' (if that is an acceptable expression for having unrealistic expectations of a small telescope).

I am putting in a bid for fastest telescope upgrade, as my lens had a mark on it, and when I returned it (the next day) I took the chance to upgrade to a Skywatcher 200P dob! That should be delivered today, with a bit of luck. Fantastic service from FLO, I might add.

I have made a list of DSOs (all the obvious ones) and can't wait to start searching.


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Thanks for the welcome. I will try to resist any more upgrades in the near future, but it won't be easy. The more I learn about this hobby, the more I realise there is so much to spend your money on if you're not careful!

I decided against a goto mount, so that it would force me to learn my way around the skies. I hope that it is easier to star hop than it looks - it is quite intimidating at first.

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Hi Simon and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on the upgrade by the way and you will notice a difference from the earlier scope. Probably the most popular scope on here so if there is anything needs fixing or improving, there will be plenty here to advise. In your quest to discover what the the cosmos has to offer, have you had a chance to look at a free piece of planetarium software called Stellarium, you can take a look here. Will certainly help you find stuff, identify objects and with the advance date/calendar function help you plan an evenings observing session which is a good thing to do to get the most out of those clear nights.

Clear skies for your scope's arrival.


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Thanks everyone. I will certainly check out the Stellarium software. It is nice to have a friendly community to talk to, and to have such a wealth of experience on tap. I am sure I will have plenty of questions when the new scope arrives and I can't find anything! I couldn't find the moon on my first night, as I hadn't taken the main scope cover off after looking through the finder!! Not my finest moment...

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