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I have let her down badly!!

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Last night I made a terrible mistake. It was all my fault.

Will she ever forgive me?

It was a lovely evening to start with. I had just got home from work and my partner Ann Marie said " It's really clear out there tonight. I can see lots of stars and I'm surprised you are not out with your telescope".

That was all the encouragement I needed. Twenty minutes later I was all set up .... Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Orion, it was great!

Ann Marie then called me in for my meal and then it happened!

I sat in front of the TV and I forgot she was out there!! My beloved telescope spent the whole night in the garden freezing her eyepieces off!! How could I do that to her?? After all she has done for me!!

I never gave her another thought until I opened the curtains this morning and saw her covered in ice. It is minus 6 out there :)

I brought her in and left her to warm up in her own good time but my question is, have I damaged her? Will her 'Goto' electrics be OK? I was too scared to turn the handset on this morning.

Any advice? I have not touched the optics although there was ice crystals on the front lens. Luckily I had fitted the dew shield which offered some protection.

I am now at work, worried that I have really hurt her. I just hope all will be well when I get back this evening. :)

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Firstly, mke sure you switch nothing on for fear of causing a short in any electrics. I had a scope once that I left out and it snowed. I left it for a week in my garage and never touched any of the more intricate parts. The same with the handsets etc, just leave to warm up then leave for a few days to be sure. Ice as you know penetrates then when warmed up turns to moisture, so it is just a case of being totally happy. You can still manually play with the scope of course, but the rest id wait a bit.

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Just let "her" defrost and dry out slowly indoors. The goto electrics are quite well protected from dew and freezing temperatures, they have to be. This isn't anywhere near as bad as leaving equipment out in the rain.

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You've certainly done the right thing by not touching the optics.

I'd have look tonight when you get home to see if there are any water spots and if there are, how bad is it.

I've certainly seen guides on the internet for cleaning optics but I'd be very wary of doing it unless you were absolutely sure it was necessary.

As for the electronics, they'll be fine.

Don't worry, I'm sure it'll all be fine.

I must admit that I've very nearly done this myself.

All the best,


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I'd be tempted to remove inspection covers on the mount and hand controller (if possible with the latter) and place them, inspection cover down, on a towel in the airing cupboard for a day. I have tried with with various pieces of electronic equipment that have got much more than just iced up and the results have always been complete success both short and long term.

Optics, leave inside the house with EP end open but pointing downwards for a day but these will be fine anyway.

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Hi JoelH,

Thanks for that. I will definitely leave the electrics for at least a week to make sure they have dried out.

My heart did miss a beat when I saw it out there though.

Thank goodness it didn't rain last night!!

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omg. I have to say say you are a brave man. you hear about this sort of thing whispered about in in the dark forums of internet chat rooms, but the subject of scope abuse is rarely brought out into the open. firstly it must never happen again. I understand that people have other priorities (Wives family that sort of thing) but this is your scope you are talking about. Mounts are fairly well sealed against damp they don't like rain but hopefully as long as it's not dripping hopefully you will be alright. controllers can be a little more temperamental. I have heard that rice works for mobile phones so that may be the way to go to dry it out.

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Don't worry Rowan46. I will make it up to her. I will give her a nice warm cuddle tonight and take her shopping at the weekend for some nice new eyepieces.

I also promise to attend counselling re my telescope abuse, but it was a one off...honestley!

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To be honest mate, I think she is done for. As she's no good, I'll take her off your hands for you.

Happy to help :)

on a serious note - as others have said, let her defrost and dry out gently, dont force it and I'm sure all will be fine.

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Looks like some good advice from forum members - let us know how you get on.

What about one of these:-

Cases, Bags and Covers for Telescopes and Other Optics

Only works if you put in on tho' :)

Stuff that, would you really leave your scope out on purpose under that cover, not a chance.

Sorry to hear about your scope BTW, I would be fretting too, even though a TAL can handle minus -30, and thats cold!

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Stuff that, would you really leave your scope out on purpose under that cover, not a chance.

Sorry to hear about your scope BTW, I would be fretting too, even though a TAL can handle minus -30, and thats cold!

The Paranal Observatory seems happy enough with the scope coat's performance and it looks as if it is good for conditions harsher than in the UK.

Did you see the comments on the location in Chile??:-

Green Witch Scope Cover

I have one of the coats - I think it is well made and will "do what it says on the tin".

I tend to use mine as an "insurance policy" especially if I want to leave the scope out and cooled down ready for an early hours session.

PS I have no connection with Green Witch:)!!

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To be honest mate, I think she is done for. As she's no good, I'll take her off your hands for you.

Happy to help :)

on a serious note - as others have said, let her defrost and dry out gently, dont force it and I'm sure all will be fine.

I will bear that im mind. :):)

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