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hi everyone just to introduce myself i am totally new to this having my interest kick started by the recent bbc series from jodrell bank i live in leek staffordshire and will no doubt be asking for lots of advice on telescope choice etc at the moment everything seems very bewildering and complicated trying at the moment to narrow choice down a little to 3 possibles be back when i have done that

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Hi and welcome to the forum. The most important thing is to take your time and do the research. Part of that could include going to at least a couple of public observation evenings which are provided by many clubs and societies, in order for you to get an idea what all the specifications really mean for you. You might look through a slightly larger scope than the one you first had designs on getting and quickly realise that it is more likely to meet your viewing expectations. We are all different and we will all want different things out of astronomy, so that is why actually looking through some scopes first before buying is an essential part of any research. Budget will of course come into the equation and I am not for one moment suggesting that you spend a fortune on securing a monster scope. Having said that, you will already have noticed that as you examine different sizes, there is not a huge jump in price between them and so it will work out better value for money to buy something along the lines of what you know you will want, than waste money on buying too cheap and having to resell it later.

Sorry for the sermon but many new people never look through any scope before buying which is crazy really. Don't forget that many astro clubs/societies can lend out scopes for you to use which is useful way of curing that itch to buy straight away. Hope that helps!

Clear skies


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