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Hello from SW London


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Hello, good afternoon and welcome!

I've been browsing this site for a while now and so thought it apt to register, especially considering I'm about to finally buy my own telescope and so will have loads of questions on how to use it no doubt :icon_salut:

I've been 'into' the idea of astronomy since I was a lad and have always enjoyed looking up, but now finding I have more spare time to actually do something about it and finally try and learn a bit more about what's going on above my head (a lot of it might just go over my head sadly!).

Best Regards

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Hi Citizen and welcome to the forum. I think astronomy can often suffer from 'appearing' to be very technical when in fact it isn't really - its just that there is a lot of it and that much of this knowledge is constantly being rewritten (exoplanets?). We are all fortunate to be alive at this time when so much is being researched and when many questions are being answered. No one knows it all so just pick a bit of it that interests you and see how you get on.

Plenty of experience and knowledge on here for you to access. The search facility at the top of the page is a really good resource detailing many past questions and responses. You will make mistakes, we all have in the past and we all still do, what matters is that you are here and that you are getting started, so enjoy the ride!

Clear skies for now


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Hi Citizen....(Smith):-)

A warm welcome to the SGL, Living in SW London you must have light pollution

So my advise is get a 8" thats 200mm scope so you will see they planets and hopefully Galaxies ect


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Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome,

JBM, cheers for the advice, I will be using that search function no doubt.

Doug, yep I've got light pollution, but I'm just on the outskirts of SW London (pretty much North Surrey), so not as bad as it could be.

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