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Hampshire greetings...


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Hi Folks.

Well, 20 years ago I was given a wobbly 2" 'department store' telescope and a shopping-bag full of bits. There was no Internet then but I eventually worked out how it all went together and one night I discovered Saturn by mistake... and was hooked!

That boosted my interest to join a club and look through a decent telescope, and with lots of help from the club's amateur telescope maker I was persuaded to grind my own mirror for a 6" reflector and make a Dobsonian base - the only way I could afford a better telescope! Even now I'm not very good at 'star-hopping' but it's a brilliant feeling when you do eventually find your target.

The first 'scope and impossibly wobbly tripod are long gone and I'm lucky enough to have acquired a Celestron CPC 1100 GPS XLT and a reasonable 5" refractor along the way, but for a quick 'grab & go'... the trusty old home-made Dob' still wins every time. :icon_salut:

Clear Skies to one and all.

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