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The moon is made of what?

The Warthog

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Last week, I was out looking at our sister planet through a green filter at first (I find it improves contrast on the maria where the sun is already high) and decided to try my fix for the problem of not being able to take afocal pictures because the light meter on the camera is not behind the lens. Instead, I took an mpeg, which uses available light, and got a decent exposure on a 320 x 240 frame.

The first shot was through my 24mm Speers-WALER, and the second through my 8mm X-Cel.


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Great shots WH, I think your at the top of a very slippery slop before you know it you'll be posting images and buying gear at a rate of knots :) and giving Martin a run for his money :). Judging by these we'll be in for some cracking images from you.


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Thanks, folks! I'm thinking of dusting off my old but good Fujica SLR, and doing some more lunar photography.

These were taken through my 105mm refractor, BTW.

Hey!, I have an old Fujica too WH. It has not been out of its bag for a number of years now. Some of my best lunar shots were taken with that camera, and I regard it as a very good friend, and I will never part with it. We have shared many frozen hours together in the depths of winter, devouring rolls of Tri-x film. Ah. Those were the days my friend. (That's the name of a song Isn't It.)

Ron. :)

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