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Greetings From the North


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Hello to you all from The Shetland Isles in the far North East of Scotland :D

I am new to this site so i just wanted to say a hello and a lil about myself.

i am kinda new to all the wonders the sky has to offer and with living in where i do, where we get such amazing aurora's and such due to being so far north i have taken an interest and wish to learn more. when i look up at night i always am amazed to think that in the grand scale of things we really are so very small in such a vast space and it intriges me.

i hope to learn more and more as times goes on and maybe you guys can help :)

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i will say i have seen some pretty awsome Aurora's in my time and they really are breathtaking. and yeah im not in the main town im in a lil village and where my house is there isnt to much street light so on a clear night you can get a really nice view of the wonders above :D

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Hi there Lorraine

Just wanted to come and say hi on ur thread :-), deffly like there Hun I can't wait to see the wonders of the sky to,because there r so many lights where I live I don't get to see much and haven't seen much ,I've see a few conserlations and shooting stars but nothing like what was on the stargazer show as I said those pictures r out of this world,been nice meeting u here and hopefully talk to u again,happy stargazeing x

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Welcome Lorraine, I'm jealous already of your back yard dark skies, and as for the Aurora, well, it's just not fair :D.

Hope you enjoy the forum, there's always someone with an answer to every question on here. It's a great place to learn, oh and did I mention they're quite friendly too. :)

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Hi Lorraine and welcome to the forum. Now I feel we shall have to ban you using the word 'Aurora' because it is simply not fair on the rest of us who are lucky if we can spot the moon through our light pollution. :):D:D Do you detect a tone of envy in my voice - well of course! Seriously, how lucky you are to have that and such dark skies but then, you might now confess to us that your next door neighbour has a security light that keeps coming on!

In order to help you understand the night sky, can I suggest you have a look at this, its called Stellarium and its a free planetarium that you can download to help find and identify chosen objects in the night sky. Has plenty of 'toys' within it to keep you busy should the clouds arrive and in particular, the ability to advance the date/time which will help you discover when objects will appear and of course where in the sky to find them.

Clear skies for now and hopefully all that aurorae won't obscure some of the objects that are truly worth the effort in finding!:):D


(.....still envious!:))

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