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Hi from Netherlands!


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Hello! I am Reni, originally from Bulgaria and living now in Netherlands.

I am kinda new to astronomy, I've been more into it when I was a kid, with the help of my grandpa. Now I live here I decided that the sky is just too awesome to miss. I used to live in a city and now far enough from one, so I love it! I just ordered my new telescope - Skywatcher Capricorn-70 and I can't wait for it to arrive!

I recently found this forum and I think it's really great! I love the monthly information of astronomical events! Keep up the great work!


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Hi Reni and welcome to the forum. You might want to consider downloading Stellarium, a free planetary program that will help you identify and find objects in the night sky. It has lots of toys to play with to keep you occupied when the clouds come in and can viewed from here.

Clear skies


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Thank you all for the warm welcome! :)

You might want to consider downloading Stellarium, a free planetary program that will help you identify and find objects in the night sky.

I sure will, thanks!

Demonperformer, I am from Varna, it's really worth going on holidays in Bulgaria at least once ;)

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