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Sh2-190 (IC1805 centre)


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Although I posted a version of this on my IC1805 Ha mosaic thread, I've given it a bit of a rework and also changed it from being HOO and mapped it Ha, (generated G), O, which seems to have given much more pleasing result!

If the weather plays nicely fairly soon, I do intend trying to get the S2 for this (post meridian flip) and with any luck I might be able to get an hour each RGB pre-meridian so that I can bring some colour back to the stars. I did put this through a slight layer masked high band pass filter (and it might have taken a tad more) but I didn't want to overdo it. Dare I say it, I think it could possibly do with more data (;)) but I think I've spent WAY too long on IC1805 this year!


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Thanks Ivo! I must admit, the exercise of adding the O3 to this has made me want even more to get the rest of the O3 for the FOV of the IC1805 Ha mosaic ;)... but that would mean spending at least another 4 nights on this and I think my patience (committment) has run out!

EDIT - Cheers Ben - It's quite an amazing object... It's almost what I bought the 314 to do - I told my wife I could get an image similar to the "pillars of creation", not realising that a) it was a summer object (limited skies) ;) it's so very low down and c) I can't get to it anyway!

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Thanks Anna... The resulting colour is mostly thanks to Noel's actions and "synthesize green from red/blue channels" - I'd never used it before but the HOO didn't quite work for me so I thought I'd try it out...

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Thanks Paul / Rob - As much I like HST palette images (and haven't yet managed one!), I've noticed some other quite interesting "real" colour mixes on the net to compensate for "missing" Hb data (R=80%Ha+20%S2, G=O3 and B=85%O3+15%Ha), which has encouraged me to look a little bit beyond the norm LRGB or S2HaO3... However, if I can "get away" without taking S2 and get a colour mix like this, then I'm all for it... (but I'd still like a few more clear nights, if that can be arranged?!)

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Thanks all very much for all the encouragement / kind comments - I feel as this object has bled me dry over the last few weeks...!

Shibby - Yes, Sh2-190 is the centre of the Heart nebula (IC1805), which also incorporates Melotte 15. The main "structure" in the image is a giant area of Hydrogen gas which glows due to intense UV radiation from the massive stars of the Melotte 15 star cluster - The Melotte 15 star cluster is about 7,500 light years away

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Thanks both! It's all a bit frustrating at the moment - I had to miss a couple of clear(ish ) skies this week (due to work and then friends coming roundf for the evening), and I'll have to miss the forecast clear sky tomorrow night as well as I'm with the in-laws :). Obviously the moon's not going to help anyway, but I might have been able to at least get the S2... :( Ho hum...

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