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Nanoo Nanoo


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Hello everybody, I'm new here, and also new to astronomy. Just thought I'd dip my toe in the water and introduce myself. I've had a passing interest in all things spacey for years, but started taking a bit more of an interest after watching Prof Brian Cox's programmes on the telly. I started looking up a bit more often, then bought myself a pair of fairly cheap binoculars at the beginning of this year. Gradually I learnt a bit more about the night sky. I had an epiphany about a month ago when I pointed my binoculars at Jupiter and saw not only a planet, but a number of moons. Two days later I bought a Skywatcher Explorer 130P, and since then only the weather has stopped me. I live in Lancashire and it was a beautifully clear night tonight so I had a good couple of hours in the garden looking skyward. Spent what felt like an age looking at the Double Cluster, then had a poke around Perseus, tried to find some other clusters but without success, then finally I had yet another long look at Jupiter. Pretty good night all in all. I guess I would appreciate some suggestions at what is worth looking at using the size of telescope I've got. Anyway, off to bed now with stars floating around in my head.

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Hi Noseypixie and welcome to the SGL.

Sometimes, quality of only a few objects observed is more rewarding than many when your'e in a hurry. Glad to see you enjoyed what you looked at - that's what stargazing is all about - take your time and enjoy the night sky.

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Hiya and welcome!

I've found these monthly maps really useful in terms of finding stuff to look for. I use them in conjunction with Stellarium (a great free programme). I've recently realised how to change the levels of light pollution in Stellarium which gives a pretty good approximation of what the sky *actually* looks like rather than what it should look like - very good for getting to know the sky as it looks out in the back garden :)

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