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Been reading here as an unregistered guest for months and thought it was about time I signed up :)

I used to have a cheap 'n cheerful Tasco 2" refractor that was basically useless, unless looking at the Moon, but even then I found by 10x50 Binoculars gave a better image with more detail so I sold it on.

I keep looking at getting a new scope, especially liking the Celestron Astromaster 130EQ but it will have to wait until I have the funds for it. Probably be mid December before I get round to buying one as I am just stupid busy at work for the moment.

Would dearly love a nice 6" or 8" scope, but the funds are just not going to be there for it for a few years yet (have bills that need paying off first).

Anyway, I have been interested in the night sky for most of my life and after finding the Google SkyMap app for my phone last month my interest has been re-awakened, so a new scope it is :)

Let's hope for clear skies for us all, even if it is damned cold out there at night :evil6:

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Hi & Welcome to SGL :)

Reading your post sounds just like me a year ago. I would suggets it is better to have a small scope you use than not have a large scope... I still haven't got a scope because I still haven't got the money to get the one I want, now I'm thinking of just getting something smaller that I can afford now.

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