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A big G'Day from Oz


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Hi all:)

Just a short note to say g'day. I'm an amateur living in Sydney and belong to the Macarthur Astronomical Society in Sydney's southern suburbs.

I have a number of scopes and am an avid sky watcher. I plan to put an observatory in the back yard when funds allow so that I can properly address my interest in astrophotography.

We have a property down south in the Australian snowies called "Omaroo" - hence my name here. The name means "beautiful view" in aboriginal, which is apt for both the property, as it's quite high (for Australia), as well as astronomy in general. Views from the top of our hill (920 metres above sea level) are 360 deg and the sky is super-dark.

Anyhow, I hope to be active here - it looks like a place to get and give some answers



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Hi. Chris,

I wish you a very warm welcome to SGL, The whole group will look forward to posts from down under.

Please don't rub it in cricket wise, I'm sure any Willow fans over here a feeling pretty low.

I for one am livid at the gutless performance of our Te--. I refuse to spell it out, they're not worthy.

Sorry about that, It's off my chest now and I feel better. :D

Ron. :D

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Hi. Chris,

I wish you a very warm welcome to SGL, The whole group will look forward to posts from down under.

Please don't rub it in cricket wise, I'm sure any Willow fans over here a feeling pretty low.

I for one am livid at the gutless performance of our Te--. I refuse to spell it out, they're not worthy.

Sorry about that, It's off my chest now and I feel better. :D

Ron. :D

LOL! Thanks Ron and others :p

I must admit that I am an avid cricket fan, but really haven't been following the World Cup to date for some reason. I've just checked up the points table and quite frankly am pretty surprised at what I see. Oh well... there's a few matches left yet. I miss England vs. Australia stoushes too.

Cheers all - and thanks for the welcome!


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G'day, and welcome Chris.

I've down here in WA (Nr Perth), for almost 2 months, and have very much enjoyed looking at your Southern Hemisphere night sky.

Will be back home under UK skies, this coming weekend.


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Welcome to SGL Chris, "super dark skies" where do we buy them from then or are the Aussie suppliers under contract & not aloud to ship outside the country :D


I think that it's a taxation issue Darren. :D

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G'day, and welcome Chris.

I've down here in WA (Nr Perth), for almost 2 months, and have very much enjoyed looking at your Southern Hemisphere night sky.

Will be back home under UK skies, this coming weekend.


Dave - did you enjoy your stay? I hope that you had a good time here in Oz. If you're ever back on the east coast drop me a line and I'll take you to the snowies area - cold and relatively high. Great views!



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Yeah, a had a great couple of months in WA, except for the appalling standard of driving and slow speed limits, 100 kph (62 mph) on the 'Freeway'.

The 'snowies' sound like "the" place to go for 'dark skies' over the Eastern side.

Will probably be over here in WA each year, as my daughter and family moved here from UK, last year. However, I do have a cousin in Brisbane, and another in Melbourne, and do plan to visit them at sometime.

Enjoy SGL.


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Welcome to SGL Chris. Sounds nice at your observing site. :D

Captain Chaos

Thanks Captain :D

Here's a view from the top of the hill at our place - from which we get a 360 degree unobstructed view at just over 3,200 feet.





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Well, yeah, your observing site's OK, but don't you find those tree trunks are always in the way of the thing you want most to look at? :D Anyway, welcome aboard, you lucky [removed word]! You get to just go outside and see the Clouds of Magellan and stuff like that. I have grown old without ever seeing it. So, I get the Big Dipper and Polaris, you get the Southern Cross. We can both see Orion, but only you can see the Jewel Box... :D

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Again - thanks everyone for the warm welcome. With lots of things planned in terms of hardware and photography I'm sure to be asking for plenty of good advice. I only hope that i may be able to habd some back as well.

Cheers and thanks


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