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Moon mosaic 19-9-2011 8 Megapixels


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Excellent result

Can I ask which part of the moon you use to judge the correct exposure for a mosaic like this. In my attempts, I am finding that I either lose the detail in the shadow or burn out the bright parts, and (as previously stated by Steve 1962) you seem to have got it spot on.


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I set the exposure using the brightest part of the moon in which I want to have details. Then after taken the images I use curves to take up the dark parts a bit. In that you loose often some contrast. I then copy the layer in photoshop, put a highpass (20) over it and set this layer as soft light over the original image...

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That is an amazing image with much interesting detail. I would tend to agree with Stuart but it is still a fantastic image. I am amazed that you can get such detail with only 40 frames. Did you use EQmosaic to help with the efficiency or were you popping each avi into iMerge as you went?



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