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Clouds and what to do on your nights off?


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tweaking collimation, looking on SGL, thinking of new projects on a limited budget, doing new projects on a limited budget, looking in star maps for targets next time out, making lists of targets for next time out, clean your eyepieces, charge your batteries, there's lots to do :)

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not a single night with less than 69% cloud cover or rain over the next week in Northampton according to the met...here comes the rain again!!

back to making bait rigs and reading about Nebula i cant find.

maybe it's the right time to work out how to remote the scope and add the camera i bought near 7 months ago, that should save me a few cold nights tapping my hands and feet to see if they're still attached.

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Read about astronomy. The more you know, the more interesting are the things you observe. The books out there are just amazing and written by the best scientists alive. They want to talk to the general public, not just their peers. Isn't that great?


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Read about astronomy. The more you know, the more interesting are the things you observe. The books out there are just amazing and written by the best scientists alive. They want to talk to the general public, not just their peers. Isn't that great?


this is very true Olly. I went back a bit over my hols reading a paperback version of Cosmos by Carl Sagan - superb.

Bill Bryson is responsible for me getting back into science reading. I read A Short History of Nearly Everything and it sent me off in all sorts of directions, wanting more.

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Read about astronomy. The more you know, the more interesting are the things you observe. The books out there are just amazing and written by the best scientists alive. They want to talk to the general public, not just their peers. Isn't that great?


I agree.We can never learn too much can we? At the moment im still at first base lol:D
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I seem to do more reading than observing recently. Went on hols to a nice dark coastal area of Wales recently - Got my scope out 4 times and set up nice and early under nice clear sky only to have the clouds roll in as the sun went down. :) in the end had ONE!!!! night of obsevation constantly adjusting for patchy cloud. Found M13 and M31 so not a total loss, :)

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