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Big Bad Moon Mosaic


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This turned into a nightmare to process, everything that could go wrong, went wrong. It's not quite finished, but I need to purge :)

About 30 (ish) panes, each MAP processed on 4 points.

ED80, Televue 2x Barlow on undriven alt-az.

This is the reduced, compressed version. Here's a link to the uncompressed (but still only 60% size version...(about 1Mb)




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What camera was used and what is MAP processing?

Awseome image BTW :)


I used a ToUcam Pro II, reflashed to Optimised Colour Non-raw mode (there's a separate thread somewhere on here on how to do this).

MAP processing uses multiple alignment points, this is now a standard feature of Registax 4. Using MAP generally lets you draw out finer details in the wavelets section by using wavelets 1,2 and 3 more aggressively without the usual amount of distortion and artifacts that these wavelet settings usually bring on.....(I think that's kinda sorta right :) )


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Very nice Tony :D

I am new to the imaging side of things - have you used Registax 4 for everything? capture, alignment/stacking, image processing and mosaic? I had heard that Registax wasn't as accurate as other packages for stacking - it looks as though Registax 4 has addressed that issue?

Sorry for all the questions but I am about to 'jump in' so am doing some research.

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Steve, no problem..here's a sequential list of what I did, and what I used:-

Image capture - QCFocus

Image alignment/stacking/wavelets - Registax 4 (all saved as bitmaps)

Mosaic stitching - IMerge

Processing - Paintshop Pro 9 - adjusted contrast and despeckled, then finally (used Focus Magic 'add-in' instead of unsharp masking), then expoted to jpeg format

that's it!

All of the above work very well IMO, and really don't require investment to start getting good results for minimum effort.

Any specific questions, feel free to grill me :D


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Well Mr Moon you have done it again , thats one for the wall surely , perfect right across the board on that one , splended work

Rog :D

Thanks Rog :D Hope things are looking up for you, as you've been having a hard time of it lately.

all the best


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The misalignment on this has been driving me mad. I've been wrestling with it for 3 days now and this is the best I can do. I think the ToUcam must have been moved slightly during the session (or field rotation or something). Anyways, I'd already binned the avi's so I've been playing Frankenstein with all the individual panes.

Here's the reworked version (about 1Mb)


I can't mess around anymore as I've destroyed all the individual panes now. The middle's a bit messed up still, but I can live with this now. :D


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