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Meade 5000 ED Triplet Apo Long Term Review


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Thought I would share my experiences of this fine scope from over the past 2 years.

Theres loads of short term reviews and 1st lights to be had on this scope out in tinternet land but back in 2009 there werent any to be found. So Ive written a long term review to fill the void. Hope you like it and hope its of some use to those thinking of buying.



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Great review Phil , i was thinking about selling my c11 & getting

one of these from opticstar a month ago but couldn't pull the

trigger, my location not to good so astrophotography not my thing

only visual at the moment , but want to get a good 5 to

6" refractor one day so thank you for the review :)

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I had one for two years and agree with your review. In visual use it is close to what is possilbe. The TEC140 which replaced it is a little better... so take that as an endorsement!

In imaging the 127 did brilliantly on DSOs but on stars the budget optics produced blue haloes on hot stars. The Whale imaged in the 127 and the TEC are honestly hard to distinguish. The starfield, however, is far better in the TEC.

In reading the above you need to bear in mind the staggering dfference in price.

However, things are moving fast and I would rate the Altair Astro 115 significantly above the 127 as things stand.

This is a good time to buy a refractor!


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I concur... I sold mine well before its time... when I look back on some of the images I now can properly process I wish I'd kept it..

It was without doubt the best scope Ive ever owned..

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Smashing review Phil :)

I really wish I'd had a look though it at SGL6 - maybe next time ?

When I was writing my TAL Apolar 125 review the Meade 127 Triplet was the competitor scope in the back of my mind so it's very interesting to read such a comprehensive review of one :)

It certainly looks like Meade's initial delay in bringing them to market has paid off now :hello2:

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Cheers guys, Ive been putting bits of this together for some time and thought it about time I finished it.

A great scope and I do not intend to part with this for a long time its just so right for me being both a visual and imaging fan.

Kris, If your visual only the C11 will give you more than a 5" refractor but if you intend to get one as well as the C11 then the Meade is a good contender.

Olly, I think you got yours about 2 weeks before I got mine cos I remember reading your initial report on it. Id already made the decision by then and your report just swung it. Yep there is a slight blue to the brighter stars on longer exposure images with mine but I havent met much in the way of halos yet. But as yous say for the price this is good.

Those Tec140s sound superb, if I had your skies I could probably justify going for onet but as its been 3 weeks since Ive been able to get a scope out for any astro, (weather) then the 127 is has got to be the better investment for me.

Ive been watching the AA115s with interest and wondered what they were like.

Coco, I thought you had one, I didnt realise youd sold it, shame on you:)



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Hi Phil,

Great review of what sounds like a great scope, and as ever, so well written..

thanks for sharing and if anyone is looking for a good quality Apo at a not too exorbitant price (not me, sadly :-(....), then your endorsement should be enough confirmation for anyone.



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Very interested to read your review, and the fact you still like the scope after a few years of ownership.

I have owned my 127 for a few months now and am very pleased with it.

Mine sits on a HEQ5 and, with guidscope & cameras the weight comes out at just under 11kgs and seems fine for imaging so far.

I was also interested in the fact you have upgraded the focuser to a moonlite - something I would also like to do. Can I ask where you bought the moonlite focuser, as, on looking, it doesn't seem obvious that this scope is catered for?

Also, how do you fit the finderscope now?

Anyway, thanks for the read - confirms I made the right choice for me in buying the 127 as my first scope. :)

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However, things are moving fast and I would rate the Altair Astro 115 significantly above the 127 as things stand.

This is a good time to buy a refractor!


Olly, would be very interested to hear what, specifically, are the aspects of the Altair 115 that place it ahead of the Meade 127, in your opinion. Is the predominantly from an imaging perspective or visual as well?

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Thanks for the comments guys

Pete sorry to take so long to answer

I got the Moonlite direct from Moonlite in the states but I think FLO and Ian King are dealers if you dont want to go direct.

Just be aware if you do go for one there are 2 scope tubes out there apparently 1 a mm or so larger diameter than the other. Ron of Moonlite actually sent 2 scope back plates with my focuser and told me to try each one and use the tighter fit one. I now have a spare loose fit back.

Why the scope manufacturers have done this I dont know perhaps they have used different machines, different factories or just different operators.

The Moonlite has 2 standard size finder shoes on it. I am using my right angle finder with standard synta bracket at the moment but I have made a finder bracket for the Meade finder now with a synta style shoe, (its a modified celestron SCT bracket Ive had in my scope box since selling teh C11)


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However, things are moving fast and I would rate the Altair Astro 115 significantly above the 127 as things stand.

This is a good time to buy a refractor!


Olly, would be very interested to hear what, specifically, are the aspects of the Altair 115 that place it ahead of the Meade 127, in your opinion. Is the predominantly from an imaging perspective or visual as well?

I have a review coming in AN so I don't want to pre-empt that or stretch a point on the forum rules either. But briefly, I liked the spec which is in the public domain and obviously comprehensive. Rotators, flattener, finder... The star test right across the field is excellent and the large flat field does make it stand out. Visually they are all good so, yes, I was thinking in imaging terms.

But I agree entirely with Phil's review and am pleased he isn't the only happy owner. The guy who bought mine was certainly very happy and the memory of my last night with the Meade is still vivid. Mars showing stunning detail and surface colour. Great. Of course, I do like refractors so am as biased as a bowling ball....


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Thanks Olly for the comments and I'm reassured that your preferences seem to apply only (or mainly) to imaging. I had a look recently through a friend's Meade 5000 127mm on what was a pretty good night for viewing and was extremely taken with it - to such an extent that it has been top and/or second on my "to get" list now that I have decided that an apo refractor is what I wish to spend some money left to me. Coincidentally, it has been swapping top and second place on my list with the Altair Astro 115 and although I haven't had a chance to see that scope in the flesh, or view through it, it seems to have picked up a series of very good reviews. Having been more of a visual observer (but now looking to dabble in the imaging side as well), I find it hard to get away from the "aperture is king" mentality, especially if I find that I don't take to imaging in a big way, so that was the reason for giving the Meade top spot even though it's only the difference between 4.5" & 5". Whichever one I opt for, at least I have the surety of securing an apo that is good visually and for imaging.

PS. Might see if I can hunt down that review of yours - when is it due out or is that asking you breach forum rules?

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philj thank you for your review!

I own the same OTA and I've been using it only in visual on the HEQ5 for some months now.

I replaced the finder with a red dot, which I mainly use for the alignment, then I let the GoTo make the magic.

I still could not reach focus with my binowiever, even with a 2X path corrector, bah...

So far I'm really impressed by it, and reading that you choose it over the C11 will calm my aperture demon for some time!

I will only add that this OTA is made by Jinghua Optics for many brands: Meade, ES, TS, Kepler... and the price can vary from around 1.200€ to 2.000€. It is exactly the same tube with the same case and accessories. I found mine during a sale for 800€. At this price it was a deal I could not resist.


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Thanks Philj for your very in depth revue, I have long wanted the Meade 127 but was a little put off by S@N revue some time back which described, if I remember correctly, as some of the images being on the soft side, I am pleased you like the MoonLite, I upgraded to one on my 100ED, they are superb, the whole kit will now reside atop of my acquired Losmandy GM8 once I have finished making some accessories. The 127 will now be on my future shopping list :)


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Glad its of interest and use chaps.

I missed the S@N review glowjet and I am really surprised at the comment on soft images. What has struck me from day one with this scope is just how sharp the images are, for example heres a dslr image of m13 which was one of my 1st through the 127 scope. I was realy pleased with how this was. I rarely sharpen my images and this was more or less how it left the stacking programme after a few tweaks on levels, curves



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Thanks for the image Philj, that more than proves the outcome, the revue by the way, should you want to refer to it, was was in Oct 2008 and it came out in favour of the 120 SW Equinox when it was also compared against the Astronomica Maxivision 127 and the Vixen ED 115S.


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