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What's your favorite to observe?


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The details on the moon are always good for me but i do really like m13 and can't wait until Andromeda comes back. I only got my scope in feb. and andromeda was on it's way down by the time i learnt the ropes.

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I like everything, but my favourites are open clusters and the moons of Jupiter.

When I look at open clusters through bins or a scope, I can imagine that I am in a starship traveling through star fields.

The moons of Jupiter remind me that the universe is dynamic. My flat has a view to the south out a bay window. A few years ago, I put by bins on a tripod inside our flat every night, and my wife and I watched the moons of Jupiter change position. My wife showed an interest in practical astronomy that I had never seen before, and that i have not seen since. I also love to use my scope to watch shadow transits.

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The moon. I didn't think I'd be that bothered about it when I just started out, after all it's just 'the moon' and we see it with naked eyes all the time.

But turn a telescope to it at 1st quarter, amazing. Jagged lines, shadows, incredible detail seen at the terminator. I like to look at the craters and learn their names. I also like the rills, especially 'The straight wall'.

It's blumming great observing the moon at high power when seeing condition permit. :D

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I enjoy observing my neighbour through the window :D, nah not really nothing interesting there - I usually observe the double cluster on nearly every session, such a great object. If there are any planets around then I will give each one some eye time. I usually have a list to complete that I have written out at work while bored, when I have covered what i can from that list I will return to my regular favourites.

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