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Everything posted by MalcolmM

  1. I had an St102 and thought it was grab and go untill I bought a 60mm scope. 60mm and an appropriately small tripod is a one handed out and observing in 10 seconds grab n go. 100mm with the necessary larger tripod is just more awkward to manoeuvre out doors and carry. But I appreciate that everyone has a different take on what is grab n go size Malcolm
  2. Apologies for returning to this thread. I have been trying to get WO Binoviewers working with a Lunt 50 (400 blocking filter). I've tried with the WO x1.6 and x2 nosepiece GPCs. No combination works for me, there just isn't enough inward focus. Has anyone managed to get Binoviewers (preferably WO) working with a Lunt 50? Malcolm
  3. I can see how that might look continuous at lower powers and potentially break up a bit under more magnification. Interesting picture thanks. Malcolm
  4. I have found this. With a single stack Lunt 50 I get much steadier viewing in the late afternoon and evening. More importantly, for me, I also get much better contrast on the Ha features. Malcolm
  5. @Roy Challen , just seen this post. That is an absolutely gorgeous looking scope! Malcolm
  6. I too was intrigued by this feature. I observed it at low power, but when I increased the magnification to try and figure out what it was it seemed to break up into a series of distinct shadows. I was experimenting with Binoviewers and eyepiece combinations and didn't feel I was able to do the feature justice. Very interesting to know what it actually is. Thanks for posting @Peter_D Malcolm
  7. Hi @Pixies, it's a Uni 8. It's very solid, very portable but it's maximum height is only 83cm. I compromised a little on the height in order to save a few kg in weight. Malcolm
  8. I've put this mount on this thread before but this time the 100DC is on it. Very impressed how stable the whole setup is. Virtually no settling time after knocking the scope or focusing. For high powered lunar viewing a very quick and rough polar alignment is easy and sufficient. Malcolm
  9. Lovely pics! Great detail for single shot. Malcolm
  10. Was just moving to this one (having seen both Hyginus and Ariadaeus Rilles for the first time - very clear) when low clouds scudded in I maybe got 10 seconds looking for it but did not see anything; 4" scope plus Binoviewers, which I assume should show it? Also convinced myself I saw Plinius Rille. Malcolm
  11. Agree with the others. Absolutely stunning videos! How long in real time are they taken over? Malcolm
  12. Great image. I really love wide angle images like this, they give great perspective that you simply don't get with the close-ups. Malcolm
  13. I love the Tak Erfle. It's very light. Nice wide field in Binoviewers. And great for star hopping in my refractors; I don't need a finder on the 60CB. Some say it's not great at the edge of the FOV, an effect of the design, but my eyes don't really notice it. My only complaint would be that eye position seems to be quite important. If my eye is not in exactly the right place I see nothing! Malcolm
  14. It's really for the 60CB but it holds the 76Q fine and yes, it's attached to a short dovetail bar. That clamshell and small dovetail are really for grab 'n' go and travelling with the 60CB but for now do the job on the bigger incantation Malcolm
  15. It's virtually at the end of the bar but it just balances. The manual says 2.2kg and the 76Q is about 2.1 so the clam shell and eyepiece put it just over.
  16. Unfortunately it's not a nice wooden floor! Cheap laminate! I've better things to spend my money on I've actually got a set of rubber feet for the BB but find the spikes great outside so just leave them on. Malcolm
  17. I feel this setup is so beautiful it could be displayed in an art gallery Malcolm
  18. Really glad you like the TOE. And very struck you find it 'easy' to use. That's generally how I end up describing it. I've not done much with double stars but from your descriptions I need to try some Malcolm
  19. FS60CB, super views coupled with 10 seconds setup time. Malcolm
  20. I have managed to get the WO to focus natively but it involved removing a lot of bits from the light path! Removing all the extension tubes and basically attaching the diagonal pretty well directly onto the focus draw tube does the trick. In the photo below, (1) is an Astro Essentials 56mm to T2 adapter. Unfortunately the thread spacing is not quite right for Taks (1mm rather than 0.75) so the fit is not great and I have not tightened it too much for fear of ruining the threads on the draw tube. (2) is a Baader Ultrashort 1¼" / T-2 Eyepiece Clamp. So this works but is not ideal due to the incorrect M56 thread spacing. However I had a quick look at the sun and the views were fabulous, particularly with the 28mm Erfles. The FOV is roughly doubled from using the 1.6 GPC and I'm looking forward to using this on some DSO and star clusters. The sun really looked fabulous, filling less than half the FOV (roughly) and it did have an almost 3D look to it. I then did as @mikeDnight suggested, fitted one the the extension tubes and and was able to focus in mono mode. See next pic: I think I can get a neater solution by using a Baader 2" Click Lock adapter with Takahashi M56 x 0.75 and then using a 2" to 1.25" adapter. I think this will not introduce too much light path. My only problem is I really dislike screwing and unscrewing the tubes and adapters every time I want to switch from Bino to mono. Apart from the hassle of doing this mid observing session I would be worried of damaging the threads on the draw tube - if it's never done it'll never break! I think I'll give the Baader Click Lock and 2 to 1.25 adapter a go so I at least have the option but I suspect I will nearly always have it in the original configuration and use the 1.6 GPC. Malcolm
  21. Really interesting. Thanks for posting! Malcolm
  22. As your title says, great phone shot! I'd go even further; fantastic phone shot! Is this a single frame or stacked? Malcolm
  23. @IB20 glad it might be of some help. I floundered around for a lot of months trying to get to grips with it all. I'm sure I could do lots more experimentation but I've got a way of working now that works for me! Malcolm
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