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  1. Thanks for all the advice guys. I'm sure it will help me get better images.
  2. Hello, I'm currently trying to photograph different nebula with my unmodified canon 450d. My current telescope is a Skywatcher 500/102 on an az g02 mount. A few nights ago I tried photography the running chicken nebula, but after taking a photo I saw no sign of any nebula. The settings I used were an exposure of 30 seconds, and an ISO of 1600 which is the max my DSLR can go to. I haven't done any dark, or bias frames as this was my first time doing deep sky astrophotography. I've attached the photo to this article. Can anyone give me some advice on which I can do to help increase the visibility of nebula.
  3. I'm looking for some of type of software that will give me the ability to control my canon 450d and its photos and exposures. The only problem is I'm on a macbook air and I can't find any good software I can use. Has anyone got any recommendations?
  4. Thank you for all the useful advice. The focal reducer should arrive soon. I might also look into getting a telescope with a big shorter of a focal length to increase the FOV even more. Thanks Mitch
  5. I tired a different software "astroDMX Capture" instead and this one works and I think is actually better than oaCapture. Thank you anyway.
  6. Thanks for the help guys. I've ordered a 0.5 reducer to decrease the zoom, so let's hope that it makes it better.
  7. I'm using a SV105 camera with my telescope but the camera is way to zoomed in and I'm trying to figure out how I can decrease its zoom so I can actually see stuff. I'm using the AstroDMx Capture software. If anyone knows how to use that software or camera to decrease the zoom that would be very helpful. Thanks Mitch
  8. I'm trying to connect my SV105 camera to oaCapture on my MacBook, but when I try and select the camera, it says that is is unable to connect. Its running version 1.8.0 of oaCapture. Has anyone else had this problem? If so how did you fix it?
  9. I want to try photography and just general observation.
  10. I've listed the specifications below. And here is the link https://telescopes.net.nz/collections/telescopes?_=pf&pf_t_usage=usage%3Aastronomy computerised&pf_v_brand=Saxon Optics Warranty Information 5-Years Limited Warranty Optical Design Parabolic Newtonian Reflector Aperture 150mm Lowest Practical Power N/A Highest Practical Power 300x Focal Length 750mm Focal Ratio F/5 Eyepieces Super 25 and Super 10 Barlow Lens N/A Diagonal 6x30 Mount Type AstroSeeker Tripod Steel
  11. I'm looking at getting a new telescope and the saxon 15075 Reflector Telescope is one I'm looking at. Can you guys give me some advice on whether or not this is a good choice.
  12. For some reason it's working today, but not last night. Not really sure what happened. Thanks Anyway.
  13. I'm trying to download RegiStax, but when I click one the downloads, nothing happens, I've tried it on multiple devices and multiple versions and nothing happens. Does it work for anyone else?
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