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Everything posted by Deadlake

  1. When I looked at scope nights around 2 pm, was meant to have a clear patch from 9-12 tonight. Now back to business as usual.....
  2. I have the digital copy, find it a great way to keep them archived. However ties you in to having an iPad to read them on...
  3. So far this is one to avoid until several patch versions come out. I suspect all the effort was getting it running on ARM silicon and x86 translator etc. Its a huge change this year, so best avoided while they fix teething issues.
  4. I've shut up shop until Sunday, however maybe clear skies tonight 12-3 am in Surrey area...
  5. How every duty a focuser is needed when attaching a NV stack? Actually how much does the stack weight?
  6. I swapped out the stock diagonal for a Baader prism. Mars when from white to red, I suspect a filter might help as well.
  7. And no 12 month wait for a new one! 😀
  8. Very tempting specs. Was going to say good weight 5.6 kg however this looks like the real specs: https://astronomytechnologytoday.com/2020/09/30/sharpstar-121sdq/ weight is around 9 kg, but not that heavy.
  9. Agreed, a lot of unknowns about glass used even if it's cited by name, for example: Quality of glass from a batch Matting element used with ED element. It's how it works in the field, however the above two can be implied by cost, no free lunches.
  10. For the newbie here I was googling around and found this site: https://www.falconclaw.eu/monocular-night-vision-buying-guide/ A lot cheaper than the ONVI products. What the difference in products for the same FOM level, ONVI is almost EU2500 more? The FOM is a lot lower than the harder digital, what a good starter one that I will not to upgrade immediately?
  11. Can you calculate the apparent F number or is it just fast enough. For instance the Sharpstar is F/5.7 and then adding the 67 mm adapter and it become an effective F/2.2 from comment above?
  12. Reading CN threads I can see following scope being used with NV and a focal reducer Tak 100FC Celestron 11 Edge TEC 140 APO APM 130 APO LZOS F/6.7 to F/4.4 So possible, but the lack of flat field is the issue.
  13. If you want the star book 10, then SXD2 is the cheapest way to get it. To be honest having the buttons and variable speed control (which is not part of the INDI protocol as far as I know) on the SB 10 gives you good flexibility when slewing around the nights sky, moon in particular. As far as I know not possible with other third party apps as the INDI driver does not support variable speeds.
  14. By the way the 121mm sharpstar you linked to is also at 365: https://www.365astronomy.com/sharpstar-121sdq-121mm-f-5.6-quintuplet-apochromatic-refractor-telescope.html A lot better price...
  15. Are they on tools for calculating the modification of a focal point for a refractor when adding a reducer? Edit: This link here has a brief guide: I did see this as well, https://www.365astronomy.com/ts-apo130q-imaging-star-130mm-f-5.0-sextuplet-6-element-flatfield-imaging-apo-refractor-telescope-42mm-field-diameter-for-full-frame-camera-sensors.html As far as a 10" scope what about these: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/stellalyra-telescopes/stellalyra-10-f8-m-lrc-ritchey-chrtien-carbon-truss-telescope-ota.html in fact for the price of the FSQ-130 I could get the above two scopes and a TOA-130 for the same price 😀
  16. F 5.6 with a flat field corrector? I was thinking of a TOA-130 with a reducer+flatterner for NV work and then I could attach an extender-Q for visual/planetary. Or is this trying to get too much utility out of one scope and best to go with separate telescopes. Also how much does the imaging circle play in scope selection, both he above have large imaging circles. I observer under a Bortel 4 sky, how much more will get out of say a 100 mm over a 130 mm? The other option I was considering was get a 130 mm APM f 9.2 for visual and then getting a 100 mm quad APO I could use for NV and as a grab and go.
  17. You mention petzval flat field refractor. Is it the flat field part that is important, so would adding a flat field adapter and reducer work just as well? When you mention petzval I think Tak FSQ or Televue --> Ouch in the wallet. What about a Takahashi Epsilon?
  18. thats +100 on Ed's score, you need help. 😀
  19. I’ve looked at quite a few items on teleskop and 365/Astrograph and the uk retailers alway work out cheaper after exchange rate and postage takers into account.
  20. What is good say under £150 is a question, the HR and TOE start at £220.
  21. It's the temperature gradient. Leaving an SCT outside before you view may not help as the SCT might not acclimate. Another approach is to use a fan to pump in air into the tube.
  22. I think the TOE is more comfortable on the eye, still very detailed. Where as the HR you need to get just right to be rewarded with every fine detail. The HR shows warts and all. I would not say one is better then the other, just given a different high resolution view of the target. I need more viewing to come up with subtle differences and no pesky jet stream...
  23. I had clear skies till 11 pm, great views of the moon, however Mars was a wash, just a hazy white ball of light thanks to the jet stream. Shame as next viewing window is at least a week away.... At least I managed to compare my HR and TOE eyepieces of the moon....
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