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Everything posted by Kon

  1. ZWO asi120mc-s (it has a usb3 so faster fps).
  2. Thanks for the explanation regarding the ADC. Since our previous discussions, I am considering an EQ platform since I would also like to start doing some sketches on the EP (I love my visual observations). I am not good with DIYing so it will have to be a shop bought one (and currently looking around), and the cost of an ADC could go towards the platform if the benefit might not be as great (for now).
  3. Great capture and processing. I really like how you have pulled the banding on both planets. The ADC seems a nice addition. Do you reach focus ok or did you have to move the mirror (I do not want to do that)? I would be interested to add an ADC for my visual and possibly captures.
  4. Being mostly a visual observer, I wanted to satisfy my curiosity on imaging the planets and have some decent images, so I got a cheap planetary camera from the SGL classifieds (I think it was £100). I think you can go cheaper with svbony etc.
  5. Great image and excellent colour balance.
  6. Kon

    NGC 6723 (SGR)

    That's a great sketch!
  7. @neil phillips, @morimartyand @russ thanks for the positive comments. I am very new to this planetary imaging game and combination of conditions and improvements in processing have helped. The morning dew is not helping. Looking forward to more friendly hours.
  8. I was up at 3am to capture Jupiter, Saturn and Mars under better seeing conditions. What an improvement compared to last week; Mars is showing the ice cap, Saturn the Cassini division and Jupiter several banding. I also had a go at Venus but it was awful during the processing. Dob 8", manual tracking (or more like drifting method), asi120mc-s, 2x barlow. Autostakert, Astrosurface and Topaz Denoise.
  9. The rising moon looks amazing with its yellow hue against the blue sky at the moment.
  10. Great images. Like you, I like the inverted colours. It gives a nice three dimensional feeling to them and somehow the details are easier to pop.
  11. Very nice. I really like the little cratelets around Copernicus.
  12. Great capture Neil. The colour balance is really nice.
  13. The mountains have a nice 3d feeling to them.
  14. Some nice details there.
  15. Very nice capture Martyn despite the conditions.
  16. I see you also suffered from the seeing this morning. I though the wind would have helped to clear the atmosphere. Lets hope to some nice crisp evenings/mornings.
  17. I was in two minds but since I was up I thought why not. Yes Saturn was higher up so it helped. I think the storm is still on from what I have read but not sure at what extend.
  18. I was up at 3am to try some imaging and visual of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. It did not disappoint seeing all three in one go. Seeing was awful but still nice to be out after a long time.
  19. I was up at 3am to try some imaging; I should not have bothered with the awful seeing. Anyhow, I had a go at Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. Although the sky was clear from clouds, moisture/transparency was awful and it shows in the images. I am happy to have captured all three and pretty chuffed with the Mars phase. I will probably wait until better conditions.
  20. Very nice and the animation pretty cool.
  21. Very interesting. Could you share what kind of night vision equipment you use with your Dob please? Is there much benefit if you are observing from a fairly dark sky?
  22. I think I can observe through this tiny bit of clear sky tonight 🤣
  23. Nice capture. Excuse my ignorance, but how can you tell this is Phoebe out of the other bright spots?
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