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Everything posted by Kon

  1. I have taken a fascination in rimae recently and I am trying to image them. I had a go at the Rimae Mersenius and try to capture the rimae inside the Gassendi on a close up. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi120mc-s, 2x barlow, and very windy but with good seeing. My exposure was a bit too much but clouds had rolled in to recapture.
  2. Very nice, and the cratelets popping out quite naturally.
  3. Thanks Joe. I think it would have been nicer the night before, a bit washed out last night, visually.
  4. Thanks. Indeed, the shadows were great.
  5. Thanks Neil. I am trying to find a workflow that works, and I think it is getting there slowly.
  6. A final imaging for tonight of Clavius and Longomontanus. 8" Dob, asi120mc-s.
  7. Moon is looking pretty good tonight, not as stable. I spend some time observing Rimae Hippalus (a new one for me) and Copernicus. The Golden handle showing nicely and well. Seeing is not too stable for high mags tonight. I also managed some imaging of the Rimae and Copernicus.
  8. A new to me Rimae Hippalus from earlier this evening; the three rilles running along the crater are nicely defined. Copernicus was looking good as well. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi120mc-s.
  9. To be honest, I am mostly visual with my Dob and the imaging I do is for a bit of fun, but I see your point if I want to improve on the quality.
  10. And you have it spot on. I feel that I often oversharpen mine, and if the seeing is not there I shouldn't force things.
  11. Very nice capture and very natural appearance.
  12. Very nice and natural appearance to it.
  13. Mostly nebulas but started taking an interest in galaxies as well. As others mentioned, Veil, M42 is trivial but under excellent seeing it is a different ball game with the red and teal colours, M17, M20 and M97 has a special place in my heart since it was the first proper small nebula I found when I first started with the hobby.
  14. Excellent report and some very good targets.
  15. Excellent as always Neil. I am really impressed how you manage to pull out all the little cratelets.
  16. It looked fantastic earlier tonight. The surrounding Rima looked great as well. Later at night the lighting changed and they were harder to see details. I did some imaging as well.
  17. Really nice seeing tonight and I managed some imaging and viewing of the Montes Apenninus and the Rima Hyginus, Rima Triesnecker and Rima Ariadaeuswith my 8" Dob. The Rima looked best earlier this evening with nice contrast. The Monte's Apenninus showed some fascinating shadows.
  18. Really nice seeing tonight and I managed some imaging of the Montes Apenninus and the Rima Hyginus, Rima Triesnecker and Rima Ariadaeus. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi120mc-s.
  19. Stunning capture and details.
  20. Excellent images, sharp and a lot of details. They have a nice 3d feeling to them.
  21. Excellent details on your first set of images.
  22. Great session and great set of targets.
  23. I had a nice session looking at the moon. What got my attention was Petavius and its rille, Rimae Petavius. It showed really nice in the 8" Dob and I could go to high magnification despite the light wind. A nice dark line was running inside the crater. Unfortunately I have to come back in since it is an early wake up tomorrow. Enjoy if you are out tonight.
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