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Everything posted by Kon

  1. I see your point on processing based on the seeing conditions and I have to agree; I suppose are eyes are drawn to more vivid colours. I saw your comment a couple of posts later doing the white histogram in PIPP, can you explain a bit more please? Is that the autostrech to certain % under processing tab? (I like the simplicity of observing unaided and looking down the eyepiece, thus why I have the Dob. Of course EEVA or other camera technique will give more details as you are stacking/tracking).
  2. Very nice. I prefer the bottom one, colours seem more natural, top has a blueish-pinkish hue (at least on my mobile) Is that Ganemed's shadow next to the GRS? Did you get the chance to observe the transition?
  3. It sounds you got your passion back for visual. I have the 200P and it has been amazing piece of kit. You will love it. I have seen several DSOs without any problems (I have fairly dark skies). Looking forward to your reports.
  4. Having the long bank holiday weekend, I was up at 3am to image and view Saturn, and it didn't disappoint. Cassini division was easily observable. Seeing can get better. No sign of Jupiter from my site yet.
  5. Thanks Neil. Yes the perks of the long bank holiday weekend. I was eager to try my zwo camera, compared to the DSLR eyepiece projection I was doing last year.
  6. First Saturn for this summer. Still low this morning but a huge improvement from my last years efforts; I think processing can get better. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi120mc-s, 2x barlow. PIPP, Autostakkert and Astrosurface (I seem to make a mess in wavelets in Registax). Happy for any feedback to improve things. The two images have slightly different processing; i prefer the left one.
  7. It was great seeing it last night, low in the horizon but just about visible. See my image here:
  8. To be honest it was barely visible and I could only spot it after the sun was quite low.
  9. That made me laugh! Well spotted!
  10. I managed to observe the very new moon (0.95 days old) tonight and I got a few frames on prime focus with my Dob. No features just a sliver of light.
  11. Great set of images with nice amount of details.
  12. Excellent report and a good haul of targets! M17 and M20 would also benefit from the OIII filter. I don't think I have ever seen colour on M17 with my Dob.
  13. @Zermelo and @Astro Noodles if it looks clear outside you are good to go😉. Nice blue skies here at the moment. I am looking forward to some observing on my t-shirt tonight.
  14. Great report Peter and nice targets. In my eyes M57 is a welcome sight to the summer observing season.
  15. Fantastic sketches! I agree with Malcolm, it is like looking down the eyepiece. Do you finish them at the eyepiece or later on?
  16. @neil phillipsThanks Neil. I usually spent a good 30min aligning the finder scope with the camera but I still track with the finder scope. I chickened to go to the smaller capture window with higher fps. Maybe on the next pass.
  17. @Sp@ce_d, @morimarty and @dave34 thank you. You are all too kind ☺️. I agree progress is better.
  18. Yes I did and I just posted it. How about you?
  19. I had a play with my 8" Dob and asi120mc-s camera and played with its settings to increase the frame rate to 200fps; small capture window 640x480, exposure 0.5ms, gain 30 and manual tracking. With this higher frame rate, I managed to stack more images and the features are a lot sharper. I am very happy with this result.
  20. I photographed ISS tonight as well. I was also curious what seemed to be somehting ahead of it. A quick check in Stellarium revealed that it was a satellite as you guessed, Progress MS-19.
  21. Great set of images. The first two have great details and a 3d feeling to them.
  22. Very nice and the close ups are showing really nice details.
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