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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Very nice report and loads of nice targets to tick off in a cold night.
  2. Thanks. I am reading on possible targets for the next clear skies as well as researching on filters. There is so much information in this forum on filters so it will keep me busy to make a decision.
  3. Thanks. If you managed the Bode's and the Cigar, then these targets are a bit easier to locate. I used stellarium for guidance as well.
  4. Very nice report and a nice list of targets you managed.
  5. Thank you. It was perfect seeing last night, and I was very pleased to see some new targets. At least in Australia you do not have to contemplate the freezing weather we have.
  6. Thank you. I am a biochemistry scientist, and I think that's the reason I enjoy this hobby with the observations and reporting. In my experience, if the science is not solid or not well executed, validation will naturally happen from other groups but it can also harm many scientists if it is accepted as is, which is rather common as you said. I love reading the reports from other members as well. I am not aware of 'Plastic Fantastic'.
  7. No, I do not have any filters and I have been contemplating getting since I am in rather dark skies (bortle 4). So far, I have managed to find and see most nebulas on my list but if they can make them pop more then worth the investment. What would be a good overall filter, something that can be used with various ones?
  8. Another clear night and with the moon no shinning much, I was out looking for some DSOs. I got out just after 10 with my 8" Dob and since I had not spent much time observing the North I decided to focus on DSOs around the Ursa Major. As a beginner it was my first time to put a plan together, last minute since the weather was rubbish with rain all afternoon, of targeting a narrow area of interest. I adapted my eyes in the warmth of dark sitting room and the night sky was glowing with stars (I think the rain had really cleared the atmosphere). As many of you know, although a beginner, I am fascinated by nebulas. So my first target was the M97 (Owl Nebula). (Very easy to star hope around Ursa Major). A beautiful round shaped light patch. I spent a good 30min time looking at it with my 15mm EP, which I think was the best, but I also used my 8mm and 25mm to get a different perspective; they did not disappoint. Averted vision did not bring out much more details. That target really got me excited! 'Just above it', was the M108 galaxy. OWO! It was my first spiral galaxy (I have only had my Dob for 2 months). A nice elongated shape and quite bright. Next on the list was M109. It was just there. I found the light from Phad washing out the details or its brightness. Then I moved to the M51. It was not as bright as I thought, it was better viewed with averted vision. The last two targets kind of left me 'disappointed' after my first two targets. It could be some high cloud as well. I am not sure or it could have been tired eyes. I had M63 on my list but I was getting tired to search so I revisited the familiar M81/82 with some nice details and looked nice on both the 25 and 15mm EPs. Just before I packed up, a quick look on M42 just because it is an amazing nebula. Overall another excellent night around Ursa Major. Sorry for long post. I think going out with a plan makes viewing more fun and keeps me focused in one area than scattering around. I hope the rest of you had some clear skies!🔭
  9. Looks like time and space have warped there! Have you imaged a blackhole by any chance 🤣
  10. Stop teasing us please 🤪 We need to book some flights to Australia after the whole Covid!
  11. Very nice report! As a beginner I had to google Carina Nebula. Wow, I can see why you are so thrilled with your session! I bet the viewing was amazing as you describe it! Is that target pretty easy to spot like the Orion nebula? It is a shame we cannot see it in the Northern hemisphere.
  12. Thanks. I agree, any opportunity to get out and have a break is great. That's the beauty of the Dob; you can be good to go in no time (except the cooling time) or the reverse if the weather gets worst. Don't get me wrong the clusters are beautiful and the colours pretty cool and they do make for a more relaxing session.
  13. Having been quite rubbish weather and with my busy schedule (home schooling and work) these days I did not notice the weather gave us a break tonight. Putting my 3+5 year olds to bed they said 'We can see Orion's nebula from our window, are you getting the telescope out?'.....and so I did. Out came the 8" Dob. The sky was very clear with the odd cloud passing through quickly. I went back to the Eskimo and Crab nebulas since the last time I saw them the moon was very bright; they both seemed much brighter with more features through the EP. I could not give Orion's nebula a miss (great amount of details in the nebula and managed a few shots using prime focus with my DSLR). They looked great with the 15mm BST. My wife did not seem impressed with the smudgy nebulas (except Orion) but when I showed her some open clusters she was excited, including me. We managed to see NGC7510 and M52 in the area. Beautiful specs of light and different colours. You could make some lovely yellows and whites in the M52. Then we moved to M35 and Beehive clusters. Again, the amount of stars is mesmerising! She also wanted to see Pleiades and I obliged. It was a nice short session, 9-1030, with beautiful viewing. Now, sitting back at my desk catching up with work instead of being outside 😞. I came to the conclusion that although the clusters do look nice, I prefer the nebulas and the fact they are harder to track, so I think it is adding to my excitement when I find them, whereas my wife prefers the 'busy' clusters with all the stars. Fingers crossed for more decent viewing nights.
  14. It is mesmerising. I love the processing. The details are really coming out!
  15. Very nice report and quite a few targets to get through. I have managed the Eskimo nebula with my 8" Dob and the moon out, so your 10" should be more capable than mine. You got me all excited with the weather comment and then I realised you are in Australia!😂
  16. Amazing colour and details! I clicked on the full size image and i was blown away! Fantastic job!
  17. Yet another gorgeous drawing from you! Your drawings have an almost 3D finish, amazing!
  18. That's impressive! Gorgeous amount of details!
  19. "Looks lovely"!!! 🤣 I am sure it is behind the cloud somewhere!
  20. I carry mine from the handles fully assembled. So the advise from the supplier seems to be to carry it either as a full assembly or base and OTA? Am I right? Following with great interest.
  21. That's impressive! Great amount of details and nice colours!
  22. Excellent amount of details! The shadows are really coming through!
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