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Everything posted by Earl

  1. the joys of PA and a broken body.....

    1. Daniel-K


      owch Earl. once its done though it shouldnt need nothing more than a tweek every few weeks.

  2. Clear but too breezy :(


    1. MikeWilson



      Me so jealous.

  4. End of next week, im not holding mu breath ind you.....

  5. I have to admit this app is easing the pain of waiting for me dome as the wall of red reminds me it dont matter anyway LOL
  6. Baked spud, beans and cheese WOW its been ages and so yummy !

    1. Coco


      Low salt beans & cheese I hope fella!

    2. Earl


      I dont worry about it to be honest I have so littl salt in my diet the odd meal with a little more makes no difference :)

    3. Marki


      Its a classic for a reason :)

  7. maybe two weeks

  8. Earl 1 Garden 2, it beat me !! but there is always tomorrow.

  9. And there goes the car :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ronin


      What happened to the car ??

    3. Earl


      sold as im medically disqualified until... whenever

    4. ronin


      Hope not too serious medically, but at times I wish I was somewhere that did not need the use of a car Sometimes they can be a bigger pain/concern then they are worth.

  10. Tick tock the days are getting closer.

  11. My Sbig ccd has two chips to guide and image at the same time, however it only works with limited software and brings up a whole load of issues if narrow band imaging as both chips are behind the filter. a dedicted cam for each task is the beast way
  12. 6 hours of darks to go.....................

  13. mount arrives tomorow yay !!!

  14. Fly me to the moon so I CAN FLOCK IT !!!

    1. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Trouble is it's already pretty dark. Even if you painted the whole thing black it would still reflect a lot of light. I suggest explosives.

    2. Andy 5312

      Andy 5312

      I too like the moon. But not quite that much......oh, sorry. You said flock.

  15. YAY new mount also incoming :) Happy Days !!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Earl


      You say that in such a mean way !!! I have an AP900 coming.

    3. baggywrinkle


      And the rest of us will get clouds....

    4. Coco


      Hahaha no mate ... Sorry if it looked that way :)

  16. 6hours of a mayeb 42hour project done.

  17. Dome deposit Paid :) Happy days !

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RichM63


      Congrats' hope it make life easier.

    3. tingting44


      cant wait to see the build thread! :D

    4. Earl


      There wont be a build by me as im haveing it installed im just not capable at present :( but there most definatly will be photos and even a video :)

  18. Dome deposit Paid :) Happy days !

  19. Current imaging project 3.5 hours out of 36.

    1. Coco


      new scope? :)

  20. Clear outside has booked me for 3 hours of Ha..... lets see

  21. I ordered a Starsense a few days ago, delivered next working day to have a DOA handset which was replaced at 10.30am the follwoing morning plugged in and working fine. Excellent Service thank you guys!
  22. waiting for my first abomination of a sub to take

    1. tingting44


      i would not call it an abomination , id call it a master piece! :D

  23. Smoked Mackerel , new potatoes, salad, balsamic and followed with a greek yoguart... OMG tastebud explosion.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. baggywrinkle


      Makes me repeat but I love smoked mackerel..

    3. Knight of Clear Skies
    4. gingergeek


      yum yum, reminds me of fresh caught mackerel fried on a beach fire after a day of climbing....that was before I got sensible

  24. looked at SGPro, looks great, wish my head was clearer....

  25. only just seen this post, what a fantastic resource. Thnk you FLO
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