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Everything posted by PeterW

  1. Shadow supposedly right across the moon, not obvious though. peter
  2. .... think how you are going to stably mount them... I had a similar pair many years back and the tripod I had wasn’t ideal. Ended up selling them, though now I’ve just picked up some 45degree binoculars that work better on a camera tripod. You might need a few ££ to get the most from them. (Parallelogram mounts exist, but are hard to find and take up space). Peter
  3. ... and very reasonably priced, especially if there is 20% off. Solidly built! Some say they are the equal of the Fuji 10x50 FMT. Wide, sharp and colour free to the edges, Very impressive view. Now my binocular collection is complete peter
  4. Yes. Just caught it in the 10x50 between micro holes in the fast moving cloud cover, nice little asterism to pick out! PEter
  5. “Below”?? Changes during the night, do you mean the bent line poking out past Merope? Have to have a look, I like looking at all the little stars inside e main asterism. Peter
  6. Nice report! Where is ally’s braid, keen to find more open clusters and asterisms that I can see from the Murk of London. Peter
  7. That’s an industrial number of bird feeders you got! Nice scope too! peter
  8. Hmmm, sensitive German electronics... must be a little something from APM. @GavStar and @Stu are responsible for raising my optical quality expectations. Wide, colour free and sharp to nearly the edges..... nice. Peter
  9. You could pick up a secondhand tubed NV and some reducers/filters and likely do a better job for the same money. Live viewing too, but no app and you’d have to find stuff yourself.... But then you could look at the larger nebulae out there. Peter
  10. Having SQM maps of large areas of good skies does help when planning holidays... Peter
  11. Or a pushchair.... Orion without his armpit?! Peter
  12. Definitely something to engage the public with (the visual difference bit, less so the supernova bit). We eagerly await the next few weeks... more dim or return to former brightness? Shown the kids for them to remember. Peter
  13. Interesting, sounds a bit like what Eye&Telescope looked to do http://www.eyeandtelescope.com/eandt.asp%3Fcontent=start.html I believe that SkyTools has some observer/sky modelling in it to judge likely visibility. PEter
  14. No, water tight! But my feet were losing a little of their toastiness due to the soaking cold ground. Peter
  15. Fat fingers typing... should be “last frosty dewy session”. Sure Auto”correct” had something to do with it too! Peter
  16. Much Arctic sport seem to be the ticket so far, though a little cool seemed to be leaking though last fewest dew session, everyone else was suffering more than I was. I thought Baffin was more costly... -100C rated, ooohhhh! I think Decarhlon do their own line of cold rated boots, for a cheaper option. PEter
  17. Friends have told me that e difference from suburbia to mag21.5 is about the same as from the mag21/5 to perfection (la Palma), tiny SQM differences can mask a lot, Mr Bortles descriptions seem to offer some differentiation, but not having enough nights under good enough skies I can’t tell how useful they are. peter Ive been under skies with SQM reading, the clouds came over, same SQM ;-)!
  18. I was at a mag21.5 site and the Nebula visibility was dramatically different on different nights.. same size reading. Once you get to around 21.6 or so I’d look at the bortle descriptions in preference as the numeric differences are slight, but the visual differences keep coming (allegedly as 21.5 is the best I’ve come across), Peter
  19. 3nm, want to really kill anything that’s not aha. @GavStar I hope you swung past M42 as well. Peter
  20. Great news!! Are you also going to be seeking IDA recognition, similar to a growing number of UK national parks?? congratulations to all involved Peter
  21. The view of m42 with the c11 very focal reduced with NV recently was memorable for sure! Peter
  22. Amateur, recently watched a colleague print a part and the end of the filament had just disappeared inside the feeder as the print ended.... peter
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