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Everything posted by PeterW

  1. My entry, the StarSense auto align camera on an EQ6, didn’t even need a counterweight. A mount that knows exactly where it is pointing, shame no one else can share the view 😉 peter
  2. Waiting for the reply, was passed on by Lunt US. Hammer and screwdrivers at the ready! Had a nice session out galaxy hunting on Sunday, waiting for the moon to move away a bit more. Peter
  3. Just snagged it from the garden in the 8” on Sunday. The breakup and fizzle is likely my fault, got this in the post today.... Many apologies! Peter
  4. I like calcium, so I have to inage! I find hydrogen alpha better with images, but white light better visually. Just tried out my LS60 and the view is fuzzy... blocking filter has gone rusty... hope it’s an easy fix. To your numbers... 3) if you got a double stack you’ll get great views, we envy you! 5) agree, brightness helps see contrast. 😎 I’ve got the red sludge it came with, what replacement can you recommend? 10) absolutely! Preserves my white on the outside and black on the inside to keep things cool. 15... !! Sunday just a small patch in Calcium, just surface detail in white light... plenty of time to fix the blocking filter before it gets interesting again. Peter
  5. Impressively scientific definitely! Peter
  6. RACI make life that little bit easier! Peter
  7. Sort of worked, stock “crayford” focusser was pants... wobbles much more than I remember (maybe something to do with a 2” coma corrector and 20mm XWA eyepiece hanging off it. Remembered I had a spare moonlite focusser under the bed... now fitted and ready for sundown, see if we can get the corrector set. Peter
  8. Looking forward to reviews as I have a few books of the moon myself... Peter
  9. Bits located, plugged together, wheezing noises have been heard. Now to wait till the sun goes away and then out we go. Warmer than last few weeks. Peter
  10. I’ve been locating all the bits of my larger scope and mount from round the house, I will bag that comet!! Got a few things to test out too, at least I don’t need to stay up too late for it to get dark. Peter
  11. ... looks like we may have a fledgling custom ATM bits cottage industry forming.... Peter
  12. There are certainly people out there with 25x100 who don’t have a good way to mount them. peter
  13. Very nice through the tripod mounted 70mm bins, memorable. Then went and upped the magnification and enjoyed the moon for a bit. Peter
  14. If you need to collimate binocukars when you receive them, pop them back in the box and send them back. Binoculars should arrive collimated and should help the collimation unless abuse/drop them! Proper collimation takes a custom jig, you can do a reasonable job, but it’s not ideal. Peter
  15. you may find resting your eyebrows on the eye cups so you can get your pupils a bit further back and braced helps. I have a pair of binoculars that I am sure I will love when I am old and need to wear glasses, but currently frustrate me a lot as it’s hard to find the optimum eye spacing so I see the full field most easily. Even when things are adjusted well you may find you still get blackouts when looking to the left/right hand side, your pupils are not now lines up with the exit pupils, nothing you can do about this. hope you find a way to get them working peter
  16. Already a Bandit fan (one lives on my 8x30 daytime bins), but they don’t stretch well round BIG-bino eyepieces. I was going to try to 3D print some custom winged eyecups, but found a random post that’s got me to try something *slightly* different... which should arrive soon.... see how that plan goes on, will post if successful. peter
  17. About to say that you seem to have lost what it was attached to.... 😉 I once got an open letter in the post that (originally) contained an eyepiece adapter.... sadly lost somewhere in the great postal universe 😞 Peter
  18. Don’t know yet. Hoping to use CLS as a “reduce the pollution and still let through some comet light”. IE not for very narrow line use. I might stack with narrower ones to enhance the light pollution, which moving to LED can do with as much reducing as it can. I am also working on a plan for eyepiece winged eyecups. When filtering you need to be as dark adapted as you can be and block straylight from round about interfering. Peter
  19. Svbony is a dangerous place... very cheap filters, to go on my bins.... how many filters is too many?! Peter
  20. I was using some 2x bins last night too, to help me hop the larger bins to the right area. The key thing is to be able to get a steady view so you can resolve the fainter stars. I like lying on the ground with a pillow, good for accessing the zenith where the light pollution is less. Peter
  21. ?? Another few layers of boxes.... could just be a focal reducer, an eyepiece... certainly not a big scope.... peter
  22. Heavens-above website will let you search for satellites from each launch... we have a spread out load from launch 4 in the evening, though cloud messes things up last night. Seeing all of them in a tight line would be “special”. Peter
  23. Not quite visible in 15x70 tonight. Skysafari comet image makes star-hopping the faint stars harder. Another week or so. Peter
  24. F3.3, needs testing with a night vision eyepiece?! You’ll give @Stu aperture fever again... take us ages to get him over it 😉😉. Lovely looking scope, how portable is it? Peter
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