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Everything posted by IB20

  1. Rigel is one of my favourites. It was doddle in the 3” Tak with the 7XW last night. Thought there might be a chance with the high-end optics and the current separation of Sirius A/B for the 76DC. I’ve tried Sirius with my 8” dob and it’s a absolute dog’s dinner. Maybe I need a 4” APO… 😅
  2. Started off tonight’s session with the 17.5mm Morpheus but every star seemed to show a tail, either coma or astigmatism which I’ve never seen before, it was horrendous around higher mag stars. Gave the scope 5-10 to acclimate and the result was like chalk and cheese. Was a bit worried for a moment that the Tak & Morpheus aren’t a particularly good combo. Spending time viewing the targets of Orion soon put those worries to bed, marvellous. The A-D stars of the Trapezium cluster showing very clearly at 32x. Loved the doubles of Nair al Saif & Mintaka too, have a soft spot for faint companion stars.
  3. Is there an accurate resource for showing where Sirius B should actually be in relation to Sirius currently? I had a look tonight through the 76DC and although it was fairly tumultuous I occasionally spotted something that could have been a dim companion at both 3 o’clockish and also 8 o’clock.
  4. Stunning achievement! I cannot wait for the first round of science to be begin.
  5. Good capture! I’ve found it really hard to get any banding with a phone snap.
  6. Great report Stu, did you leave it in f12.75 mode all session? I’m thinking ahead at getting the extender really appeals. Do you find that your mount holds the longer OTA without much fuss? I had a quick look at Jupiter too last night and assumed the twilight views or seeing was to blame for the lack of SEB. Maybe it was a natural occurrence?! Being used to an achro, finally being able to see the whole of the planetary disc with no loss of information around the edges was very pleasing. At 95x I could even make out some nice polar region shading. I bumped up the mag to 178x and although it gave quite soft views I think in better seeing it would work superbly well. Hopefully I’ll be able to get the Q extender for Jupiter’s big return in the summer.
  7. The moon appears exquisite tonight. A 12% waxing crescent fully illuminated from earthshine. Mesmerising at 1x. Viewing through the 76D Tak, I’ve never seen the moon have such depth and project its topography like I saw tonight. My jaw is truly dropped.
  8. Dunno why but I’m extremely nervous for the secondary mirror deployment. 😬
  9. Had a similar feeling when I couldn’t get mine to focus in its first light tonight, assume the adaptor I took off which shortened the optical path was for AP? Once sorted though I was wowed with what I saw, it’s alien to me seeing such a high mag star without a touch of CA. Being able to split Rigel with hardly any effort with a 3” scope has really impressed me and M42 was truly sublime. I’m really excited for my next session with it. I realised how useful the peephole finders on the Scopetech OTAs are mind, was using the ring hinges to line up targets which was hit and miss. I need to find a suitable finder bracket; the tak 6x bracket is reasonably priced which I could use with the Starbase finder but notice you have a small RACI on yours? Think I would like to add a microfocuser too.
  10. I couldn’t resist, even with covid, I have had to try my new Tak 76DCU & 7XW tonight. After 20 mins of not being able to focus with any eyepiece, I removed some adapter and bingo everything could focus, PHEW, I was bobbing it for a minute there. It is so extremely cold and pretty blustery but my first views of star-fields were breathtaking, the contrast of the views is staggering. Stars look like perfectly round pearls on black velvet, it’s relatively light polluted at this time around here too. The 7XW is so comfortable to use and it’s a gem of an eyepiece. M42 was incredible, the nebulosity was so defined, the trapezium showing as four perfect orbs of light - astounding. I managed to split Rigel with the 9mm BGO (63x), the split was given up so easily, amazing I thought considering the windy conditions. Wanted a crack at Sirius but it was taking its time appearing above the hedges, another time, as the cold and fatigue finally won over. I am going to have so much fun with this scope, roll on clear skies! Kicking myself I didn’t get the 5 & 10XW now…
  11. Wonderfully clear this evening. Have just for the first time ever observed Mercury to the east of a beautifully thin crescent moon in 8x bins. Finally I know what kind of mag and position it can get to, there is a chance I could get a scope aimed at if conditions allow. Saturn and Jupiter also in the parade, super stuff. Extremely chuffed, just Pluto to go now.
  12. Thank you Stu, without wanting to cause any uproar on SGL I’m fully vaxxed and symptoms have become very mild after the initial 24-36 hours, no worse than a heavy cold. Very lucky really. 👍🏻 I am so looking forward to using this high-end combo at home and even taking it away. I spent New Years away in rural Suffolk, I’d forgotten what dark skies looked like. My New Years resolution is to go that extra mile to see those dark skies again.
  13. Currently covid positive so admiring this which turned up a few days ago instead of being outside. Looks splendid, can’t wait to give this a go with the 76DCU. January for once could be bearable!
  14. Two lines on a lateral flow test 🤒😅. It feels like the universe is conspiring to keep me from getting first light with my new Tak! At least the online updates for the JWST are keeping me entertained.
  15. My wife just said “it looks just like the other one”. I guess she’s knows her scopes, the Starbase has a Takahashi sticker on it after all. 😅
  16. Santa has been! Apologies for block booking two weeks of rain for everyone 😭. Moves wonderfully on the Starbase mount, so easy to balance; she’s a thing beauty.
  17. The unboxing will have to wait until this evening… 😁
  18. The first telescope I looked at buying was the SD81s, looks a wonderful scope. I hope to look through one some day.
  19. Mizzle and rain all day yet I’ve just popped out to deliver some cards and it’s clear! 4 cans deep though so the scopes will stay safely tucked away for now. Naked eye spotting of Ursa Major, Jupiter and a weirdly, confusing Cassiopeia at near zenith, M45 and Betelgeuse peeping over the rooftops. Possibly would've had a crack at 19P/Borrelly had I not started down the path to regret.
  20. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the team @FLO, thanks for such a wonderful service. Not to wish your break away but when are you open again? I need some more things…
  21. This is one thing that does put me off from getting one of the f/7 4.5-5kg 4” scopes. The weight soon starts to add up with something like a steel tripod and skytee.
  22. I’d say a really big dob, 20-24” with premium mirrors but as John mentioned, also a property or a location where I’d get the most out of it. Other than that I’ve always wanted a Tak since getting interested in the hobby and that itch is getting scratched very soon. 🤗 Last mentions go to a Vixen SD81s and Ha solar scope. I don’t want “much”.
  23. The long focal ratio Starbase/Scopetech 3”s make super solar system scopes. I love the peep hole system, I find I use it more than the finder. I’ve been very impressed with mine for WL solar, doubles, lunar and planetary viewing. Interesting to hear how the Scopetech continues to do against the 100ED. I’m currently waiting for a 76DCU to arrive which I intend to pit against the Starbase in some fun shootouts.
  24. Great shout, it’s a fantastic bit of kit that has made focusing on my 200P a piece of cake.
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