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Everything posted by IB20

  1. It is on offer now, retails at £44 normally ($50). No sign of the plus or standard versions yet though.
  2. Havent used the Hyperions but yes have read that they work better at f/8 and longer. To my knowledge the BCOs don’t have any problems in faster scopes. The 6mm BCO would give you 125x in your scope but eye relief starts to get tighter in higher mag orthos, which aren’t to everyone’s taste. I’m thinking of trying the Vixen SLV range at some point to compare them to my 4,6 & 7mm orthos. I will say that my experience with the 5mm BST has been nothing but enjoyable mind, a rock solid EP at ~£43.
  3. Lunar, planetary and doubles you won’t go too far wrong with the 10mm Baader Classic Ortho.
  4. Those images look great @Stu, I’ve just downloaded it so will have a play around when I get some suitable conditions - which I haven’t had for about the last fortnight 😒. Makes total sense that Unistellar would get into this kind of market, especially with the newer cameras in the latest iPhones and Samsungs etc.
  5. I’m no imager but I think people tend to do composites when showing planets with their moons. As @Nik271 suggests the exposure to capture the moons blows out any colour on Uranus.
  6. If you click on the ‘Observe’ button on the tool bar then select ‘Observing lists’ and click the ‘+Create List’ button at the bottom right of the screen it will offer to ‘Import List’. Select that and it takes you to a repository of observing lists, scroll down and you’ll find ‘Coloured doubles’ and ‘The Cambridge double star atlas’ lists which will give you some nice double star targets. I think with SkySafari it becomes an exceptional Astro tool the more you work out what it can do!
  7. https://skysafariastronomy.com
  8. I checked via the offer notification on the app and just through the App Store directly and it was the same price of £21.99.
  9. I live in the Midlands but yes, accidentally travelled down South. 😅
  10. To put it in monetary context I purchased a round of two drinks yesterday for £13.50. I’ve spent the last hour messing around on SkySafari so pretty much already have my monies worth!
  11. Nice work. Thought I’d have a look on SkySafari to identify some Uranian moons and some faint >mag 12 stars. Only Miranda not visible and that’s mag 15.9!
  12. Unsure whether I’d have “upgraded” from Pro 6 to Pro 7 but happy enough with moving from Plus to Pro, if purely just for those Mag 18.5 galaxies. 😅
  13. Oh yeah it is pricey for an app but it’s probably my most used Astro item and well worth it IMO. Not sure if they plan to release standard and Plus versions like the last SkySafari, which were much more reasonably priced.
  14. This is newly released and currently on 50% sale for £21.99 on the iOS App Store. Having only had SkySafari Plus 6 previously I thought I’d go for it. Already liking it more than the previous version, a cleaner user interface and more intuitive from my playing around with it so far. Moving to pro also means I now have the GAIA catalogue too.
  15. Great news that these satellites are visible using 200mm of aperture. Thanks for the report.
  16. Yep, shame Mark Nicholas thought it was Mars.
  17. I did do a straight through v Tak prism test on the Starbase. Target sample was v small (n=2) but couldn’t tell an iota of difference in those particular conditions. I plan to repeat the experiment on more targets and differing conditions but it’s easier at a particular altitude and a camping chair without me becoming a contortionist!
  18. Had a look through 15x bins around Taurus and to the NW of sigma 1 & sigma 2 tau there was a faint point of light where Ceres currently is. Will attempt to observe with a scope next opportunity.
  19. I’m the same - an f10 80mm, but I still feel i’ll have a better chance than my 8” dob. I tried last winter with that and it was just like looking at an underwater mirror ball.
  20. I have just purchased a 4mm VT ortho. Wouldn’t mind a few more.
  21. I don’t find it bad in my f/5.9 so at f/8 it should be pretty good.
  22. Io and Ganymede appearing like a binary system. 👍🏻
  23. Europa is just about to egress and the GRS has nearly rotated out of view. Band and regions showing quite nicely in the dusk light.
  24. I have got the 17.5mm Morpheus and I love it. The quality of views are second to none, I have all the BSTs too. I would say certainly it is worth the upgrade. I’m looking at getting the 9 & 6.5mm in that range too.
  25. My brain starts to melt when we get to the quantum mechanics. 😅 Can’t help feel that people were a lot smarter back in the day, maybe they’d struggle to send a tiktok though so swings and roundabouts.
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