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Everything posted by AstroNebulee

  1. Flo are an amazing retailer and I'm not just saying that because they sponsor this forum, I've had perfect service answers to all my questions, very fast service as I only live in North Cornwall so not to far away from them, very well packaged, very accurate stock numbers when browsing, I can't fault them. As for your choice if scope I agree with the other members you should really go for a sct or maksutov scope to give you the focal range needed for the planets and lunar imaging, I have a skymax 127 to compliment my skywatcher 150p so you can have best of both worlds, so if you csn afford it change to a sct or maksutov scope.
  2. This lovely item was delivered yesterday, so the clouds rolled in last night of course, but been perusing various posts on here and websites about learning to use it, I've got a copy of making every photon count on order to compliment it, looking forward to some nice images of Dso's and nightscapes with it, well hopefully. Clear skies
  3. Great report pixies, I'm still waiting to view Neptune and Uranus, hopefully my 150p can manage it, clear skies
  4. That's a great idea with the dual camera bracket and phobe holder. I hope you don't mind if I construct something similar to yours. I have a phone holder of an old tripod and a flat piece of metal with holes in it to attach to my scope ring and phone holder as I'd like to try the phone apps to show what I'm seeing without guesswork. I'll post photos of when it's made and fitted. Clear skies
  5. Hi I live in North Cornwall and have a skywatcher 150p and skymax 127, my viewing has been a bit hit and miss at times (I have to view through a window which doesn't help I know, but some astronomy is better than none as I live in a flat and can't move my wmset up down the flights of stairs) but I'm a total newbie as of April this year. As you know Saturn and Jupiter are low down and not the best viewing I regularly see the bands on Jupiter but have never times it right to see the grs because of poor weather, I see cassini division regularly, Mars has been performing better at lower mag for me and on the 150p I stop down the scope and that gives me better detail. I mainly use my zwo asi120mc-s with sharpcap and processing software to bring the details through so rely on this more than visual. Last night was very poor regarding Mars as windy and not good seeing but have had good captures recently and more to process frim this week. I have to say my 150p has been performing much better than my skymax 127 recently and both are in good collimation. I tend to go for higher magnification when imaging and lower whilst visual at the moment. Like I say I'm a total newbie and still learning so much and know I'm doing things wrong but having fun in learning better ways to view, sorry if I've not been much help, I find the best thing is to keep viewing and the good details will come through as my eyes get used to picking out all the good stuff, plus I'm having so much fun and hopefully when Mars in opposition the skies will be clear
  6. Nice view of Mars you had there, the sketch is very good, still got to process my captures of Mars from last night but seeing was quite bad, looking forward to when Mars is in opposition and your sketches then, clear skies
  7. It looks a beauty, you'll have some fun with that this winter, I'm looking forward to my first dark sky seasons as a scope owner. Clear skies
  8. Hi I have the celestron nex yz and found it much easier to align with the ep and very quickly as well, it's more expensive but thjnk it's easily worth the extra.
  9. Hi Paul, great report, there are so many friendly helpful people on here and a fantastic community, I'm very new to stargazing since April but held a lifelong fascination with all thing's astro, plenty of good time to come with your set up, clear skies friend
  10. I've plumped for the 450d and managed to get a pre owned one on an auction site for £99 slightly over my budget but it's excellent condition and boxed with all original items, low shutter count. Was pipped to the post on many other canons.
  11. This should suffice Shannon https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07FL1RX8T/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_DLWxFbWSDSG7R or a bit cheaper here https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-T-Ring-Canon-EOS-Camera-Lens-Adapter-1-25-inch-Telescope-Mount-Adapter-/293573121128?ul_ref=https%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F710-53481-19255-0%2F1%3Fff3%3D4%26pub%3D5574631662%26toolid%3D10001%26campid%3D5338624526%26customid%3Da6e7ccac590826a8937b1b1a7bea62c3%26mpre%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fitm%2FNEW-T-Ring-Canon-EOS-Camera-Lens-Adapter-1-25-inch-Telescope-Mount-Adapter-%2F293573121128%26srcrot%3D710-53481-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D2600360207697%26rvr_ts%3D8b3e8c561740aaec8c531f57ffc0b499&_mwBanner=1&_rdt=1&ul_noapp=true
  12. Hi I'm seriously looking into getting a canon dslr and have been looking at the 1100d as it seems a wide choice on the forum though most of these are going above my budget of £80 there are some on a well know auction site going for little over thus price (I know a very tight budget indeed) I will use the dslr unmodified at first to get to grips with it and learn with the book every photon counts, I would like to take good night scape photos and prime focus on my skymax 127 and explorer 150p at a push. Are there any other good budget dslr preferably canon. Is the 450d or 500d any good. I have a zwo asi120mc-s for planetary so the dslr doesn't have to be video capable. Cheers
  13. Welcome to SGL a very friendly place, clear skies 😁
  14. I use the baader cleaning fluid and cloth to clean my lens on my skymax 127, as John says I know I can use it and not harm anything on my telescope, £12 for the cleaning solution isn't a lot compared to the price of your scope, so best to use whars advised. I also use my celestron lens brush and pen on my eps ( I had this before getting the baader cleaning fluid) clear skies
  15. Thank you, looking at the 1100d as well though a little more expensive than the 1000d
  16. It looks a great bit of kit, is there anyway of just getting the phone holder part to fit another telescope or do you have to buy the whole star sense scope all as one
  17. Great image, how do you rate the cannon 1000d I'm looking at getting this camera
  18. Nice image Frank and nice setup you have, I imaged Mars last night aswell and pleased it corroborates wgatvyours dhielws, glad I've done something right with Mars for once, though my set up isn't as good as yours, be great to see the opposition next month, clear skies
  19. Woohoo I'm claiming that thanks Mick haha, all this time and there was another star behind the sun 😉 Obviously I know there wasn't anything else around the sun just thought it was such a strange image I've never seen on anything taken before
  20. Nice photo and can pick out a polar cap, do you use sharpcap to capture your images
  21. More than likely but was just so clear, it was like being in a star wars episode with the two bright sun's lol
  22. Thank you for your reply, I'm certain there wasn't any specks on my smartphone lens, but as you say the lens on the smartphone may of caught the light at a funny angle
  23. Hi here is my best capture and process of Mars to date. Taken around 1.15am in Delabole, North Cornwall UK, very clear skies but a slight glow in the sky from the rising moon. I was using my Skywatcher Explorer 150p with my zwo asi120mc-s on a x3 barlow. I processed this is AS3, Registax to do wavlets and then finally PS to tweak a touch but not much. Well impressed and improvement on my last efforts.
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