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Everything posted by AstroNebulee

  1. That's ok niall no problems, I've not heard of the cardboard with a hole cut out of it before, how does that work when stuck on the window, sorry if I sound stupid, it sounds intriguing
  2. Hi Mick It's a great camera, I managed to image Mars on Friday night/Saturday morning, with the best captures I've had yet, also took some captures of the moon around Sinus Iridum my favourite part of the moon last night and yet to process them so hopefully something good. Will try to get some captures of the Sun this morning with my solar filters in place of course. Hopefully your having clear skies now 😁
  3. I hadn't noticed it before my daughter pointed it out to me but in the third Mars capture if you look hard enough there appears to be a big alien Martian face looking out, πŸ˜‰πŸ‘½πŸ˜•
  4. Yes I know what you mean Philip, I have two scopes but only one mount and often wonder which to have on, have had the skymax 127 on mostly so far but will put my 150p back on after the moon has moved away
  5. Us UK astronomers are most definitely the most patient observers there are, but when you finally do get clear skies and see the bands or grs on Jupiter, the cassini division on Saturn or your first dso it makes it all worth it and you forget about the cloudy skies beforegand, clear skies
  6. Yes tell me about it Mark, just praying for a tilt and turn window to be fitted as it's a good view from east to south. There's no flat roof, they are all pitched. πŸ˜•
  7. Hi I have no option but to image through a window as it doesn't open, only a small one at the top, I try to image straight onto the glass to cut down the problem but it's all I have as. I know of the problem caused when imaging through a window but some astronomy is better than none they say, it's really hard to get everything down the stairs of stairwell and nowhere outside to properly view from, until I hopefully get the right window. I'm not going to get blow away images but happy to have slight improvements each time with the complexity of the glass, clear skies niall
  8. Hi Mark I will try higher up, it's just it was there and wanted to image it, will definitely go for more double stars and dso's when I get my 150p back on the mount especially when Orion is more in view and the full moon has passed, will like yo image the moon as not had a chance with my skymax 127 yet with rubbish skies and moon in wrong position for me, so muchto do and so little time haha
  9. Hi Mark I have no option but to image through glass as live in a first floor flat and window won't open at the bottom, hoping when they fit new windows here I csn get a tilt and turn one fitted to open up, it's not perfect I know but it's all I have.
  10. Hi Not sure if this is the right section to post about star images, so feel free to lam bast and move my offering. I woke early on Saturday morning and saw a very bright Venus, Orion had pulled into view and i saw Sirius low on the horizon, so took a quick chance to image it with my skymax 127 and ZWO asi120mc-s ( i know i should of imaged the Orion nebula but wanted to get Sirius first and hope to capture the Orion nebula moro morning as should have clear skies then ( he says hopefully), its not the best image of Sirius but not sure how to capture stars properly yet, i liked to view the variety of colours it was pulsating. My skyglo filter i should of fitted for it. There's so much to view and image i feel like i need to image it all at once and know I should concentrate on a couple of things at each session but when the skies are clear, well you just go for it don't you, well that's the inexperienced astronomer in me haha, ill settle down with it soon. Clear skies everyone.
  11. This is my second attempt at imaging Mars, I was using my skymax 127 with my new zwo asi120mc-s, x2 barlow and prime imaging without the diagonal in. Through my bedroom window as in a first floor flat. I live in North Cornwall, UK and the seeing wasn't brilliant as quite windy and not long had a few days of deep low pressure, so that's my guessing why the seeing was poor. As i watched a Damien Peach video on youtube that you need a few days of high pressure and the jet stream not over the country, to create better seeing. Anyway i digress , I took several captures using sharpcap and processed them in AS3, Registax 6 then PS. Though they are not sharp or well detailed i can see the reddish and blueish tinges to Mars. I'm going to try again tonight with my skymax 127 and a hopeful clear skies forecast, then if clear moro i'll put my explorer 150p back on the mount and try with that and maybe stopped down. I'm just experimenting with it so far as so much to learn. I know Mars is not at opposition yet as why its slightly oval so the viewing can only get better for 13th October this year. The really orange capture was my first attempt 20-08-20 01_16_28.CameraSettings.txt 01_17_17.CameraSettings.txt 01_21_36.CameraSettings.txt
  12. No way was your post pointless, the excitement when viewing anything in the night sky through a telescope or binoculars is amazing and makes you feel like a kid again, seeing things you've only seen in books or photos, I'll never forget the first time I saw Jupiter and 4 moons, cassini Division on Saturn, Mars, Venus and the dso's I've seen so far, just makes you want more each time, I get the butterfly experience in stomach when viewing abd only really started in April this year, so much more to see and image, can't wait for Mars to get closer in October, clear skies everyone 😁
  13. Nice report of your tour around the night sky last night and pleased you finally got the scope out of storage for the clear skies which have long been overdue for you, I know what you mean about reaquainting with old friends in the skies, so reassuring and friendly welcome, we in the UK. We should be due for a couple of good nights this wee here and got some captures of Mars, Venus and Sirrus last night with my skymax 127 (still got to process says images to see if anything nice) shame I missed Jupiter with the grs (still waiting to get that one) as Jupiter went to far out of my bedroom window view as live in a first floor flat. Will give the skymax another airing tonight and then put my explorer 150p back on the mount for Sunday night. Clear skies friend and not so far apart for you
  14. This upgrade on my imaging equipment arrived today, had the zwo asi120mc-s USB 3 on my wishlist for ages as always been out of stock, so took the plunge and bought it from 365Astronomy great sellers and communications, hopefully some clear skies for a few hours tonight and tomorrow night looking good so far to try out this beauty and hope to get some captures of Mars
  15. Hi Junare Welcome to SGL lots of help here and advice ftom many experienced astronomers, lovely island you live on with all those, dark skies. Clear skies
  16. Looks much much better and well done to your council for fitting it
  17. Nice report and great your refractor pulled Mars into focus better than you 8inch newtonian. I have a skywatcher 150p and skymax 127 on eq3-2 mount and generally have the maksutov on mostly as slower f ratio which is better for the planets and the 150p faster f ratio better for dso's. I know what you mean about giving the 8inch newt another go, I think if you got rid of it you'd regret it, like I would if I got rid of my 150p which I wouldn't do as quite happy with my scopes, my maksutov is shorter in length so more manouverable in my bedroom window set up than my 150p, clear skies
  18. Looking forward to the after result with the shield fitted, great result for you Andy and pleased the council fitted this, hopefully lessen the bright streetlight for you
  19. A skywatcher dobsonian 200p or a skywatcher heritage 150p are good choices and a staple of many on here to choose, the 127 maksutov will be a dew magnet, I have one and love it as long as you use a dew shield and longer cool down time, I'd steer clear of the astromaster 130 if I were you, the mount not that great, I used to have one until I upgraded to my skywatcher explorer 150p, the 150p would be my choice, clear skies.
  20. AstroNebulee


    Welcome to SGL, lots of friendly people here to help you, clear skies
  21. AstroNebulee

    Hi from UK

    Welcome to a great community here on SGL, clear skies
  22. It definitely is an explorer but what model is anyone's guess though and the mount looks unfamiliar aswell, if someone is selling it can they say to you what model and mount.
  23. Hi Des Thank you, even though I'm just starting out on them and smudges at the moment, I will hone my skills to get better views of them when clear skies return and better air quality do far I've seen m15 and M30 and really enjoying them, trying for double stars aswell and managed so far to split Mirach. Clear skies
  24. I'm a complete newbie since April and more knowledgable members will be along shortly but a lot of people in here say the skyliner 200p is a great scope but as you know there's not one scope that does everything and why a lot of members here have two scopes or more, you'd have to track manually when taking images with the dobsonian I think. Obviously the faster the f ratio of the scope the better the views for dso and the slower f ratio better for lunar and planetary, so something in the middle may suffice, I have a skywatcher 150p f5 and skymax 127 f12 to cover both aspects of viewing, skywatcher are a great brand are are highly recommended, I can't offer advice on the unbranded scope but sounds ok and you would see some dso as I have seen dso with my skymax 127 at a slow f ratio, its always, said aperture is king in scopes so 8.5inch is a nice size. If the seller can say what they've seen or show images they've taken would be good. Clear skies and someone with better advice will be along shortly. πŸ˜‰
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