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Everything posted by AstroNebulee

  1. Hi, just an update to this thread I started. I've had all the components arrive and hooked it up to my eq 3-2 mount and powers it successfully, the real test will be how it performs out in the field so to speak, even if it lasts for 3 hours I'll be well happy.
  2. Ive had a go at moving the secondary and now i think ive got in central to the focus tube, the 2 photos attached are using my long chesire with a sheet of paper behind the secondary and white paper blocking the primary. 1 photo is racked out and 1 photo is racked in. This is obviously just trying to get the secondary central in the focus tube and do primary mirror following this, just want to check the secondary is central first before continuing. Ive attached an image without the chesire in looking as best as i can down the focus tube. Bear in mind that this image is slightly off looking at it now and couldnt hold the camera steady enough, but putting mere de collimtion on the racked out image the lines are concentric.
  3. Wow, thanks pixies, I will measure my secondary adjustment screws and see what size I need, the ones you link to are much more affordable that bob's ones, that brilliant 👍
  4. Thanks pixies, I will do that thank you, then at least I'll know it's paralell, thinking of getting some bob's knobs to help collimation but are they worth it. I agree NGC once the secondary is spot on it'll only ge the odd tweak to the primary needed. Newts are indeed best value for money aperture wise, Clear skies
  5. Thank you pixies, I will measure from the central screw to all edges of the tube first before moving anything just to check it's central in the tube. I think as you say it could be a case of getting all the adjustment screws the same length first. Then moving the secondary. Just need to nudge it up the focus tube and towards primary a bit.
  6. Thank you both for your guidance and detailed write ups, I agree the secondary does appear to need to be shifted up the focus tube a little. I will try adjusting the spider vanes first to do this step. I have a long Cheshire collimator so will try using that along with mire de collimation, could I use it with my dslr in live view on ATP tool, I'm sure I've read here that can be done whilst adjusting the secondary. I will post more photos of my progress to see how I'm doing with it. Sorry it's another collimation question but once it's positioned prop I should only need minor tweaks in the future. Sometimes you can get in a pickle with collimation and go over the steps countless times and with talk of an offset on faster newts always got me thinking is it correct. The only adjustments I have ever made on this is the 3 adjustment screws on the secondary and primary mirror, never moved the central screw or spider vanes and had this scope since May. Clear skies and thank you do much again 🔭📷🌌
  7. I'm hoping some very helpful SGL members can help me out with a question regarding the collimation of my skywatcher explorer 150p, it's just the secondary I'd like you to look at for me please, I've rake a photo to show you and racked all the way out, it looks a little off centre to me but is this the offset coming into play here I've placed a piece of paper in between the primary and secondary. Clear skies and thank you for helping with another collimation issue 🙄
  8. Yes the chill wind when I'm using my dslr outside isn't good, so with you having your observatory to shield you does make it so much better, enjoy, clear skies 🌌📷🔭
  9. Amazing work and great to see some fantastic images for your guiding issues to get something, I'd be ecstatic with them, will look forward to more great images from your observatory. It must be so good to not need to move anything into the garden and set up, plus stay in the warm as you said. Clear skies 🔭📷🌌
  10. Hi What eyepiece were you using at the time, if you have the spider vanes and secondary showing in your field of view that means your out of focus and need to focus in tighter. I think the moon will always look good without the vanes showing as its a much larger object to view.
  11. Very impressive with the speed of your observatory build, its looking great. Every astronomers dream their own observatory have fun and clear skies 🌌📷🔭
  12. Thank you, I will give this a go as a quick experiment even if I could get 4 hours stable tracking out of them I'd be happy, as I say I'm not sure how many times I'll be able to get the mount, tripod, scope and dslr together down and up the stairs as a logistical challenge, I'll let you know the results, clear skies to you, but not for weeks down here
  13. I may give this a go, cheap enough to try it and may last for a few hours or so, worth a try for a cheap option and as I have to carry the mount, tripod and scope down and up 2 flights of stairs, there may not be many times to try it at first, so will go cheap to start with.
  14. What do you think of this combo to power the eq3-2 mount and how long would it power it for do you think. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B085WVBYXK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A1DN7NX21S2ZS9&psc=1
  15. I will check first, I can snip off the jack plug from my battery pack for the ra motor and connect this to a USB cable.
  16. Hi Alan I will give this a go and see how it operates, I've got a dc plug with screw type connectors to connect the wires of the modified USB cable, nothing to lose in trying it, edit... I have the female jack plug so would have to order a male version now to do this. clear skies
  17. Thank you Nicola and Alien 13,There's certainly quite a few options out there, regarding the mobile phone battery bank I have a 5v 2.4a output one would this suffice .
  18. Thank you for your replies, I think I will try the battery pack first to see how it goes by using 4x NiMh rechargeable batteries with a charger, there are pretty reasonable ones on the Internet, I like the look of the skywatcher power tank and will research that shortly. The idea of just using a battery pack would cut out one trip up and down 2 flights of stairs as its a second floor flat and of I was running a cable I would be from my bedroom window by tying the plug on a string and hoisting it up into my window. The advice is very much appreciated as I wanted to know how other users get over this situation and how the battery pack fairs on the eq3-2 ra motor drive. Clear skies
  19. Hi I would like to finally take my eq3-2 mount and tripod outside to view the night sky with either my skywatcher explorer 150p or skymax 127, I have a ra motor to keep tracking on the mount. As the area I'll be setting up in is a communal area behind my flat, what are my powering options, I know I can use batteries in the ra motor but I'd like to use a better form of power as batteries slow down over time and I'd be forever changing or recharging them. I'm about 10-15metres from my second floor flat where the telescope would be. So my options I think are a long extension lead with rcd breaker on it and in weatherproof box or a portable 12v jump start battery effort. What are people's thoughts on this issue. Clear skies
  20. Turn left at orion, pretty much a staple, I love my copy of the book and helps me very much, maybe a subscription to the BBC sky at night magazine, I love it when I get my delivered and can't wait to read it, also if you have can use the stellarium website or app, will help you greatly to see ehat's in the sky at certain time in your location, not a book I know though, clear skies
  21. Thank you captain, was a quick effort to take the images and feel really lucky to get them, clear skies
  22. hi do you piggy back your dslr all the time or just for some targets, really love this thread
  23. if you take subs at a lower iso with just the trapezium core, you can then merge them in photoshop and have a clear core, going to try this soon now Orion is better in view, clear skies
  24. Thank you Mark, it was a quick check of stellarium to see that Mercury was rising with the moon and Venus, so grabbed the Canon 450d and took a few images to merge together without over exposing the moon and Venus and another with higher iso and longer shutter speed to show Mercury, then merged them together in PS, just so I had a sharp crescent moon.
  25. Thank you, I didn't realise it was so hard to photograph, I must of just been lucky that morning, like I say, I've never seen Mercury before that morning, it was just a quick few images to process later and a quick look at stellarium to check what was in the sky then. I have taken some images the next morning with the moon in between the pair, just got to check but a brief glance shows clouds very near Mercury so not holding out any hopes. That would make a lovely photo. Clear skies 📷🌌🔭
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