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Everything posted by Barry-W-Fenner

  1. Hi Louis, That's a good shout. I do have a habbit of getting carried away and straying off topic 😊 I will look to set something up! I think Stu and John have got the 30 to 40mm piece covered for me but I am open to suggestions 👍 Baz
  2. Thanks John. This write up gives me confidence that I can find E & F under the right conditions. I guess I am being optimistic about I&G then. A bit like some of the Uranus and Neptune moons 😂 Baz
  3. Looking at this diagram, I assume it is not possible to see I&G. They look like they could be a bit on the small side.
  4. Thank to you to Stu, orion is in a great position around 9pm so I will give this a go. Seeing and cloud permitting Baz
  5. Excellent thanks for the attached info Sunshine! I didn't know about E & F Baz
  6. Thanks Stu, I assumed the 4 you can see are A to D so I need to spot E & F now then! I though seeing the main 4 was to easy to count as a split 😂 What is there rough location to the main 4 stars? I should check the app really! Baz
  7. Hi Mick, when I am a struggling to split stars, I just drink more. That seems to help. 😁 Baz
  8. I have been looking at castor when it comes around at about 3am. As I understand this is 6 sun's in binary pairs, I can see two "stars" when viewing castor does this count as a split as such? Feel free to correct me if I am wrong about the above.
  9. Hi Sunshine, is the trapezium the 4 stars in the center of orion? Or is there more to it than that, I have seen these many times but if they are not the trapezium what am I to look for? Thank you Baz
  10. Thats interesting to read, thanks for clarifying John. Now I am on the fence about getting the 3.2 😁 would my 200p be able to give a clear view at that power? Baz
  11. Thanks for confirming Sky Searcher. I will stick with the 5mm and barlow when required. I would agree that the 5mm is probably the worst, things do start to get a little blury with it. That said it has performed really well on Uranus recently. Very clear and crisp. I imagine seeing conditions have also contributed to that though. I am really looking forward to using the 18mm as I had quite a large gap in my collection between 15 & 25mm. I should hopefully get a nice middle ground between the two. Roll on clear sky! Hopefully tomorrow night as it will be Friday! Baz
  12. This is true John, very good point, Forgive my stupidity 😁😁 Thanks for the compliment about the eye piece's they should keep me out of mischief in my amateur days. I am really impressed with them. They perform really well for their money in my humble opinion. That said I haven't looked though one of the higher quality eye pieces so can't compare. Out of interest, do you know if the 3.2mm BST would perform in a 200p,or is the 5mm my most realistic option for high power. Regards Baz
  13. Looking at the above it has just dawned on me how close in size and colour the 8 & 25mm pieces are. You would have though BST would have used a different colour to tell them apart in dark conditions. Baz
  14. An updated pic! The set is complete, Unless of course my 200p plays nicely with the 3.2mm Eye piece? I dont know if it will though. Next is a nice 2" wide FOV 32mm to 40mm eye piece as recommended by the pros 🙂 Baz
  15. Apologies if the sky is poor in your area, it's my fault for getting two new toys
  16. Yippee, the postman likes me today! Double prezzies for me
  17. Hi Carole Is astronomy like one of them 5000 piece jigsaws? If so I am definitely in trouble. I really hope it is more along the lines of my 2yr old daughters jigsaws. 😁 Baz
  18. Well I'm only an amateur but it gets my seal of approval 😁 Baz
  19. "What did the postman bring" nothing again! Waiting on my 18mm BST and a filter. I was expecting the BST latest today but no joy. I am keeping a happy face about it, but crying on the inside 😁
  20. Was that pic of the moon taken with any type of filter Stu? If so what did you use, just a moon filter? I really like the white / purple colour it has to it. Baz
  21. I was hoping to get out tonight and have another look around Venus and Neptune. Been a busy evening so only just had a look outside, sky full of light cloud, can just about make out the brighter stars, not ideal. Might view the moon for a bit shortly. It looks eerie with light cloud. Baz
  22. Very nice selection of various size dobs Stu, having experience with them sizes and open tubed scopes how do they all perform comparatively speaking. I also like the collection of emptys on the table in the background 😁 Baz
  23. Thanks John I have seen the steeltrack and it looks a nice option. What do you like about that particular focuser? It might be best if i Pm you as I am straying off topic! Baz
  24. That's a really smart feature. I like that. I am Considering upgrading to a duel speed focuser in the future, I will have to check if the moonlite or any other I look at have this option 👍 Baz
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