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Everything posted by Barry-W-Fenner

  1. Hi all, Inspired by the recent thread below. We touched on bino viewing. I thought it would be a good idea to start a separate thread on the cons and pro's of this set up. I know a few members use them, However other than the obvious stereo view I dont know what benefits they offer. I have read about better contrast and a "3d view effect" that they apparently give, But do they give sharper more immersive views than the standard mono view. Why do Binos usually use a pair of lower power eye pieces? I have seen that 17-20mm seem to be the norm. The appeal of using both eyes is of interest to me, along with the above benefits. Is the outlay of a pair of binos and 2 decent eye pieces worth it? I would be using these on my 300p dob in the bino view setting. Thanks in advance. Baz
  2. This question is would probably be better asked in a new topic, however in short, could someone advise what advantages there would be to using a binoviewer in my 300p if any? I assume you would just need to purchase a set of binos and a 2nd matching eye piece and your away?!
  3. This picture should put it into perspective, my 8" dob, next to my huge 30" monster 😁😁😂
  4. Time to start thinking about keeping those toes warm 😀
  5. I am out having a viewing session with the 12" dob at the moment. It's been a while since I have managed to get this scope out! Just having a look at saturn and noticed that Tethys,Dione and Rhea are all tiny points of light close to the ring structure. They look great at x167, I'm going to up the power and see how the view holds! I think I am just picking out Lapetus South of Rhea also, need to confirm this though..
  6. Great image Nikolay with some lovely subtle details showing. Mars has some great features to observe/image. Baz
  7. I hear you Carole, after my adventures to rural Devon I have been looking over the light pollution map all arround Kent. The best I can find are a few areas that are listed as high bortle 4 to low 5. I think that might be optimistic to be honest. I would love to have some darker skies down this part of the country.
  8. Beer! Could you stop of in rainy Kent on the way through and plonk a pint on my dob base mini bar please Merlin 😁
  9. Nice early morning clear sky, The Moon and Venus were wonderful this morning. I too see the merits of early morning observing instead of being tired and trying to observe in the evenings! I might try a couple of 4am sessions then stay up and get ready for work.
  10. I was also looking at the Moon & Venus this morning when leaving for work at 6.45 they both looked spectacular to the naked eye!
  11. Nice read Nick! I managed some better quality sky's recently (high bortle 3 - low 4) and was amazed to see the milky way and naked eye objects like Andromeda. As you say the sky was loaded with so many stars! I really hope to get to a very dark site one day! Regards
  12. Nice report Nikolay, it's sounds like you had an enjoyable session at the eye piece. I am yet to view the pup aswell. Hopefully this winter with the 12" dob and 6.5mm Morpheus combo!
  13. You might have just finalised my next purchase Jiggy 😁thanks for the heads up!
  14. I really don't know which one to go for next the 4.5mm or the 17.5mm 🤔
  15. Hi Jiggy, I haven't got a contrast booster. I have read mixed opinions of it on here with it adding a yellow tint to the view? However it does sound like it improved your views of Mars! I still haven't managed to see Neptune yet! Its the final planet to observe for me then I have complete the set! I am hoping to view it on one of my next viewing sessions now it's getting dark again. How are you finding the Morpheus set? Have you had much time with the 4.5 & 17.5mm? How does the 12.5 compare with the 14? I have the 14 am am not sure if I should aquire the 12.5 also as they are very close in power.
  16. Hi all, The sky was unexpectedly clear here last night much to my surprise, I quickly set up the 200p about 8.30pm for some views of Jupiter & Saturn. Both looked pretty poor at medium power, jupiter in particular, it really is a gentle giant and needs the right power and seeing to bring out the subtle details doesn't it.. Saturn had a few moments where the seeing improved and showed some good views of the cassini division and a grey band around the planet itself. I am really enjoying the current angle or the rings, You can Kind of see a 3d effect with them wrapping around the body of the planet. After about an hours viewing I decided to be tactical. I hit the hay quite early and dragged myself out of bed at 2am to view a nicely positioned Mars! I put the 9mm Morph in and watched Mars drift through the field at x133 - as enjoyable as this was the detail was quite poor. I decided to get the Baader neo filter out to see if I could improve the details. To my surprise it wasn't in the case, I had actually left it on the 9mm Morpheus from my previous viewing session. I removed the filter and the detail which then showed was much improved, the polar cap was small but clear and present, the grey detail on the planets face had a clear v shape running through it. Some brilliant details to be seen in this planet, I hope to get more observing time on it. I was quite surprised how lacking the view was with the Baader Neo filter installed, I had read that it was a useful tool to use particularly on Mars. I had been viewing for about and hour now and I must say I was absolutely freezing, the cold doesn't usually effect me much but for some reason I was struggling a bit! Any advise on some decent thermal clothing for the colder months appreciated chaps!! 😊 A final hunt for Uranus and then I was going to hit the hay again to try and warm up! I found Uranus with relative ease which was encouraging, I haven't looked at Uranus since around this time last year. I really enjoy viewing this planet the tiny green dics just drifts through the field, its wonderful to know how far away in out system Uranus is. A very quick look at the the seven sisters to round things off. 4 planets over the space of one night was a nice way to spend a couple of hours observing, it was a much needed fix after about 3-4 weeks of no time at the eye piece! Cheers all. Baz
  17. That claim shell case for the VP filter is one of the most overly fussy cases I have seen! Mine was almost always popping apart when opened. It was a bonus to get the filter out with the case remaining in one piece 🙂 I have just acquired the Baader CBF also. it has been a nice filter to use on the few occasions I have had the opportunity. Baz
  18. Thick cloud where I am, then a small break in the cloud allowed me to see Mars with the naked eye before being swallowed up again. Not had the scope on Mars for weeks due to the poor weather...
  19. Nice one Merlin, What magnification did you view this at, Did you tease out much detail? 🙂
  20. What sort of sky conditions did you have there? Particularly dark?
  21. Sky looks nice and dark there Merlin, Perfect for the 200p!
  22. Hope you get some clear skies John. At least you have the Autumn mountains to enjoy. I have just had a look outside, sky full of cloud again. Parts of ursa major just about visible but that's all. It really has been a poor time for astronomy recently..
  23. I did drive 4-5 hours a few weeks ago to bortle 3 skies. I would like to see bortle 2. A plan is forming.. 🤔😁
  24. I have had my BNF for a couple of weeks now, The weather has been so poor I have only had the chance to use it for a brief period on Jupiter. To my eye it did bring out the banding across the planet slightly more, I also liked the fact that it kept the image natural. I havent had chance to try it on Mars yet. Hopefully we all get some clear sky soon!! Out of interest, Has anyone tried a BNF on Venus? Does it take away the glare and help show the phases? I assume it will help as you can use this filter as a Moon filter. Cheers Baz
  25. What made you decide to purchase the Morpheus Alan, I thought the kerfs and if memory serves me correctly the Field stop wasn't as sharp as you would have liked? I already have the 14mm Morph in my set but I can still see me picking the 12.5 up eventually, I'm weak!! 🙂 Baz
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