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Everything posted by Barry-W-Fenner

  1. My very amateur review of the Baader click lock attached. Frankly I wouldn't be with out it now. I had my 200p out last night which has the standard 1.25 two thumb screw adapter on it. It was not very enjoyable using that adapter to lock my Morpheus eye piece in. The two screws were extremely fiddly and I couldn't get my fingers around due to the large barrel of the Morpheus sitting tight against them. I'm going to use my 300p tonight with the click lock adapter with the Morpheus eye piece. I am really looking forward to it. I may consider purchasing the 2" version also! Very good product for the money 👍
  2. You sure do get alot in the box. Two types of eye cup. An extention piece which I have no idea what is for. A belt case for convenience. And two dust caps to suit each eye cup. A nice instruction manual, which I will read to find out what the extension is for. all wrapped up in a very nicely presented storage box. Oh there was an eye piece in there aswell 😂
  3. OK, so I took F15's advice and said the magic words, and it only worked!! a lovely looking 14mm Morpheus arrived 😁 On a more serious note, why does the Post lady have to deliver to the wife while I'm at work. Now I've got some explaining to do... 😁😁 The sky is clearing so I might get to try it tonight!
  4. That's really good to hear the 17.5 performs well in an f5 scope. I also have an f5 and am really looking forward to trying out the 14mm. The comments about the Morpheus range being very "immersive" sound extremely positive to me. I will eagerly await your reports on the remainder of the range! Regards Baz
  5. I will be really interested to hear your thoughts on the Morpheus range Jiggy. I have just purchased my 1st one, the 14mm which should arrive soon. Can't wait to try it out and will no doubt add more of the range to my collection. baz
  6. Parcel received, I'm doing the happy dance as my 14mm Morpheus eye piece has arrived! Opens box to find my daughters new Nintendo Switch controller. Totally forgot about that... Happy dance abruptly ends, maybe tomorrow 😂😂😂
  7. From a looks perspective I actually think the Baader Morpheus is real smart looking. Beauty in the eye of the beholder and all that. I have one coming which will hopefully arrive tomorrow. I'm looking forward to testing it out and looking through the 37mm lense to take in the immersive views! 😀 Hopefully it performs aswell as the reviews say!
  8. Hi. I have this focuser fitted to my 300p it is a very good focuser. Being a skywatcher product it literally took 5-10mins to swap over. As mentioned by Geoff above, make sure the scope Is horizontal when swapping the focuser over as the four nuts are very small and I did drop one of mine, no harm done though as it just sat in the tube. the weight is very similar to the standard focuser so it didn't add any additional weight to the top end of the scope. It works really well. The smaller nobs are easier to use than the large wheels on the standard focuser. You can easily focus with the coarse focus then fine tune for perfect views. Mine was a bit tight and stuck a bit at first when adjusting the focus, however it did loosen up and now moves freely/smooth. Regards baz
  9. A brilliant eye piece. I had some lovely views of the double cluster with mine a week or so ago. I got both clusters glittering in the FOV!
  10. From what I have read am really looking forward to trying this eye piece. It is getting a lot of praise on here and some great reviews on FLOS web page. if all goes to plan I will likely purchase a couple more to fill the gaps in my range! Baz
  11. I am weak, Just ordered the 14mm Morpheus from FLO 🙂🙂
  12. Just enough room to squeeze the 12mm BST in there to 🙂🙂
  13. That shroud looks very smart Stu. And the scope looks nice and portable on that tripod. I would like to put my little 76p on some kind of tripod to use for grab and go sessions. have you flocked the inside of the tube aswell? I am considering doing this to my 300p flex tube. I made a small light shield to go around the front end of my 76p, I noticed quite a contrast gain as it blocked quite a bit of light from down the focus tube. Something you might also consider. regards Baz
  14. Sorry chaps, what does the term on axis mean from a viewing perspective
  15. Nothing for me... I was saving the pennies for a 14mm Morpheus eye piece but ended up getting my priorities right and ordered a new "Emma" mattress in the 25% off summer sale. Hopefully I can get a good nights kip when its cloudy now and "dream" of a Morpheus instead 🙂 Baz
  16. Thanks for posting Alan, I have been reading this thread with great interest as I am quite interested in purchasing a 14mm Morpheus for my 300p I think the Morpheus will serve me well to be honest as I have no experience with "high end" eye pieces so doubt any of the above will be of much concern to my eye. From a performance point of view did you think the Morpheus performed well for the in relation to there cost? Would I notice the step up from say my 15mm BST for example? Thanks Alan Regards Baz
  17. I feel 150k should be "black hole" status. for the consumption of reading and then passing on advise/help 🙂
  18. Hi all, I was looking down my 300p flex tube and noticed quite a large amount of light bouncing off the bottom section of the tube. I was wondering if any flex tube owners had flocked the bottom section of there scopes? If so did it have a positive effect on your viewing? I have flocked the top area behind the focuser which made a noticeable difference, and have an astrozap dew shield which also seems to suck up the stay light internally. It is literally just the bottom half which shines quite a bit of light off the tube, Obviously more noticeable when we have a full moon. Pics and advice welcome. Cheers Barry
  19. Hi all. I am looking to mount my little 76p on a fairly cheap and cheerful tripod for nights where I just want a grab and go session in the garden. Can anyone recommend something that should be suitable please. Also will I need any accessories to mount the tube on a tripod? Pic attached of my current unpractical tripod! Thank you Barry
  20. Hi Paul. I have a 200 and 300p also. I cant believe the size difference between your 350 and 200p! Do you have a pic of your 300 and 350p together, I would be interested in seeing how much of a size increase there is between them. what do yiu have over the primary mirror on your 350p? Regards
  21. As an owner of a 200p myself I second @John comments regarding upgrading to the BST eye pieces. The 5,8,12 & 15 perform very well in the 200p with the 8mm being my go to. excellent value for money and a large viewing improvement over the stock eye pieces. Regards
  22. Good to see you on here again SAS - Did you position your bubble directly in the center of your mount? Below the tube? Cheers
  23. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/32-x-7mm-Diameter-Disc-Bubble-Spirit-Level-Round-Circle-Circular-Tripod-bullseye/132744550260?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=432056004256&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 Sure do Kev 🙂
  24. A bubble to make sure my 300p mount is nice and level when setting up 😁
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